Friday, September 23, 2011

Tribal elders have banished the churches from their tribal lands.

Tribal elders have banished the churches from their tribal lands.


Posted on September 15, 2011 by itccs

Issued against the Corporations known as the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church, and United Church of Canada

By Elders in Council from the Inuit, Cree, Metis, Mohawk, Anishnabe, Basque and Gaelic Nations under traditional and sovereign Land Law Jurisdiction
Download a copy of the poster by clicking here.

As of this day, Sunday, September 18, 2011, your organizations, their clergy and officers, are forever banished from our territories and lands, and your property and wealth are claimed and re-possessed for the use and benefit of all our people.
Your right to operate on our land has been forfeited by your rape, torture, and murder of our children, by your refusal to change and do justice, and by your betrayal of your own faith and public trust.

Depart, Now and Forever

If you continue to operate on our land after September 18, 2011, your clergy and officials will be in a state of criminal trespass and public mischief, and will be subject to immediate arrest and detainment by our Common Law Peace Officers.
We call upon all the members of these churches to honor this Banishment Order by withdrawing their financial and material support for these criminal corporations posing as religious bodies, lest they be found guilty of complicity with these crimes.
This Banishment Order will be enforced through direct, non-violent actions by our people to peacefully occupy the church properties of these corporations, and use them to house the homeless and feed the hungry.
We invoke the Great Law of Peace and the Sovereignty of our respective Nations as we proclaim the Permanent Expulsion and Banishment from our communities of the Roman Catholic Church, Inc., the Church of England, Inc. (Anglican-Episcopalian), and the United Church of Canada, Inc.
Posted at these churches around the world at 11 am, local time, Sunday, September 18, 2011 – Issued under the authority of the Council of Nine Traditional Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Chruch and State – Jeremiah Jourdain, Convenor

Remember you are love, you are loved,and I love you

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

                    Agreement - Or Choice.

                                                                                                                               By Anelia Benz

We don't walk in reality, we agree what reality is, we then have an experience in it.
And since we moved paradigms into the next "level", this fact has to be part of our basic education.  At this new paradigm, it can no longer be an unconscious game.
Our agreement is personal, at a singular being level, and also collective at various levels.  We, each, belong to different collectives.  One is our immediate reality shared by others who live, or are, close to us at a physical level.  Another could be ideological agreement, another could be national, and another could be species collective.
Even at a species level, we could form part of various collectives, the ones who added genetic material to our "evolution".  Or, the collective where we spent most of our evolutionary path on.  Many concentric circles (circles inside circles), which "forms" our reality.
What we experience, from a personal point of view, as well as social point of view, is what we agree with others is "real".
One might say, "well, I don't agree with the war in XYZ, so why is it still happening?"  And that is an excellent question, you see, we just moved away from a reality where those who knew how the game worked, worked very hard to make a very specific type of game.  One based on fear.  And, everyone being born inside that particular game, was sucked into the fear.  So, some will experience war, either in their own homes, or hear about it on the telly.
The blind following of the "masses" with regard war, murder, fear, paying for living on the planet, or whatever other ridiculous belief they hold to be necessary, creates the consensus of the human collective.
But there is something else that is happening and not being reported for fear, on the part of the powers that were, that it will annihilate them.  And they are right, it will.

The awakening, and disagreement of the masses to being led where they don't want to go.  There has NEVER in the presently accessible history of human kind, ever been so many awakening teachers, or individuals deeply wanting to advance in their own personal evolution.  NEVER.   There has never been such free access to information to anyone who wants it in the history of human kind.  There has never been so much disagreement with having to pay to live on the planet, having to "accept" war, famine, or pestilence, or natural disasters.  There has NEVER been so many individuals and groups actively focusing their attention and intention on natural events, human created disasters and other potentially catastrophic happenings, and STOPPING THEM.
The powers that were are trying harder than ever, trying to create disasters, using the Fear Machine to the max, but it is not working for them.  Individuals are saying, "NO", and opening their hearts instead.  The tremendous movement to create a society that only cares about personal survival above all else has collapsed.  More and more individuals will put themselves on the firing line to give a chance those who are cannot help themselves yet, to give them enough time to wake up.  Enough time to see that they are not victims after all, that they are in fact powerful eternal beings who can take charge of their own experience on the planet.
One might think, well, if we are influencing others, by casting our agreement or disagreement vote, are we not dictating what happens to them?  And the answer is "no".  You see, they are as powerful as you are. And guess what, they will move into a reality where your agreement doesn't win, but their does.  And you move into one where your agreement rules.  Multiple timelines.  Compatible vibrations congregate in compatible realities.  There are not "right" or "wrong" realities, there are just different ones.  Eventually this will mean that we move into a new form of experience, one based on a type of cosmic dance where we are the choreographers.  At the moment, of course, there are those who are fighting tooth and nail to stop us from casting our vote.  And... from teaching the masses that each person, each man, woman and child is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL INDIVIDUAL.  An individual that, when he or she finally accepts this fact, process all his or her fear around it, and around others being just as powerful, will be able to move through time and space in all directions, and no longer create an unconscious, or fear reality based on someone else' vision of what their life should be like.
I agree with an empowered collective, where each and every individual has the power to CONSCIOUSLY create his or her reality.  It's a big ability which comes with a huge response-ability.  Are you ready for it?  If that question gave you a twinge of fear, go and process that fear right away :)
Choose a person, situation, location, personal topic, or worldwide event, that you do not agree with.  Then, draw a red circle around it, and a line across it.  Say the words, "I do not agree with this".  Next, visualize what you would like to see, what you do agree with, and place a green tick next to it. It is very, very simple, and quick. So much so, that one might think it is not life changing, but it is.  Try it.  Try it with the big things, and the little things. Use it every day, and watch. Inelia Benz

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ascension and Freewill

The Boss (Archangel Michael) said on Sept. 13, 2011, that there were three “steps” or waves in 2011 on which Ascension was possible for those who had assimilated sufficient Light – Oct. 28, Nov. 11, and Dec. 12. Let’s listen in on that discussion:
Archangel Michael: There will be steps and doorways where some will simply go through and anchor for the whole, and then more will go through and anchor for the whole, until the entire process is completed. …
Steve: Steps. Could you tell me when the first wave occurred? …
AAM: There have been various waves, with the very first one taking place in 1991. There was also a slight wave in 1987. There will be another one this year, … or there will actually be three. So there have been various waves, and then there have been tiny waves here and there. … [The waves this year will be] Oct 28, November 11, December 12 and December 12, 2012. (1)
Previously the Boss had hinted in August that there might be early Ascension for those who were ready. He said then:
Archangel Michael: So look to your dates, but at the same time we are asking deeply of you, keep an open mind to early arrival.
Steve: So the shift that we’re expecting could happen before December 21, 2012?
AAM: That is correct. (2)
Given these possible waves, it seems like a good idea to begin considering how to prepare for Ascension.  SaLuSa has been advising us to do this anyways.  He told us on Sept. 9 to turn aside from the negativity around us and focus on Ascension.
“When you consider the larger picture and your coming Ascension, then clearly your focus should be firmly placed in that area. Bypass the negative thoughts being expressed by those who are concerned about their future and have little or no knowledge of what is occurring at this most important time. ” (3)

David Wilcock and Ben Fulford have recently shown us (4) that the Earth allies are at last prevailing over the cabal and taking the planet back. The Boss said the other day (5) that he himself had persuaded NATO to turn around its hat and become a force for peace. He said he was now going to turn his attention to the financial community. So the world is fast being won to the cause of peace and I don’t believe we need concern ourselves excessively about its future direction or the outcome of the struggle.
So let’s run through what it is we know and have heard from the Company of Heaven on the subject of preparing for the shift. I have no special expertise in this area and I’m not pretending I do. But I’m willing to look at what the experts say.
You recall that when I asked the Boss if I was to ascend early, he said it wasn’t in the plan. But if I asked him, he would work with me. If I asked him. Hmmm… He would work with me. Hmmm…
Now if this were the Army, he might have said: “Get back in line. Now.” Only the plan would matter. But it’s not the army of Earth. It’s the army of Heaven and, apparently, my request would take precedence over the plan. So the first thing we can draw from this is how important choice or freewill is to Ascension. We must choose it and ask for it. Let’s listen to SaLuSa on the subject:
“Ascension … is not forced upon anyone. God will not take away your freewill to choose your own pathway.”  (6)
“Freewill operates at all times, and it’s essential to give you freedom of choice where your own evolution is concerned.” (7)
“”Your freewill to choose … is paramount.” (8)
Not only must we choose, but we must ask our guides for assistance before they will help us, as SaLuSa reminds us.
“Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance, as without your approval it will be looked upon as interference.” (9)
The Arcturian Circle tell us that we needn’t worry about the details, just about making the choice itself.
“We ask you, right here and right now to choose your destination where you want to go during this great shift. You do not need to be concerned about how you will get there, how much it will cost or how much time you have. You have only to choose where you want to go. Do you want to choose a beautiful and peaceful destination or something completely the opposite? You have a choice. We recommend that you choose the destination of the fifth dimensional reality of the New Earth.” (10)
Most of us made the choice before birth, SaLuSa says:
“Your individual freewill allows for you to choose whether or not you go on to Ascension, but remember that most of you made that decision before you came to Earth.” (11)
For some of us, our yearning for the higher dimensions makes our choice for us, SaLuSa tells us:
“Duality such as you have experienced it is not to continue beyond the end of the cycle, and that will also include the astral dimensions. Therefore all souls will make a freewill choice as to where their journeys will take them next. Your subconscious memories of having come from the higher dimensions will draw you back to them. You will instinctively feel that it is where your real home lies.” (12)
We actually have two moments of choice. The first is when we express our desire to enter upon the Ascension path; we’re called upon to make that choice now or soon. But Archangel Michael told me in August that there is a second moment of choice at the precise millisecond before Ascension.
“In that moment [prior to Ascension], what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. Do you want — and it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — to be in the heart of one of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet. That is why we say all are invited.” (13)
Ascending will not be a difficult matter, according to SaLuSa: “The opportunity of Ascension that is being offered you … requires little in return.”  (14) And the moment we choose to ascend, help begins moving towards us, as SaLuSa reminds us:
“Be assured that your progress is followed, and at the first signs of a desire to move into the Light, help is given to move you in the right direction. No one wishes to see you repeatedly going down a dead end, and having to do it all again.  … The Brotherhood of Light works to help those who are in the lower dimensions, and find the ones who are opening up to the higher truths.” (15)
Some people don’t need to ascend, SaLuSa says: “Not everyone will need to ascend and some of you will be introduced to [your] Space families, and return home with them.” (16)
The opposite of choosing applies as well. If you don’t want to ascend at all or if you just don’t want to ascend now, then you won’t. The choice is up to you. Here is SaLuSa on that:
“Although Ascension is an ongoing process, it is not forced upon anyone. God will not take away your freewill to choose your own pathway, and other options exist. So those who are unready for Ascension will proceed onto a different path, to continue their experiences according to their preference.” (17)
A choice against Ascension is honored and allowed, the Arcturian Group says.
“You are ascending, should you choose.  You can choose not to, if you wish because  as always you have free will and there is no one forcing  you to graduate.  If you choose to stay in the old energy, that is fine because at some point, in other lifetimes or places, all will evolve – it is the truth of being.”  (18)
Some people have said to me that they love their spouses or their children and so they don’t want to ascend without them or they don’t want to ascend now if their families won’t ascend.  SaLuSa tells us that “many families will ascend together although it will not apply to everyone, as there must be allowance made for each soul’s freewill choice.” (19)  Children of young age automatically go with us, as I understand matters.  But be assured that whatever your choice, my best sense is that it will be honored.
So if you say “not now,” it will not be now. If you say “not without my spouse or children,” it will be as you say. But be careful if you say “I won’t go without my spouse.” You may not.  That is a choice you may want to make carefully.
It may seem strange to us, but, SaLuSa tells us, “some will choose to remain in the lower vibrations by choice.”  (20) “Each soul will go within and become aware of their life plan, and, if choosing not to ascend, will have made a reasoned choice.” (21) The choice not to ascend will be honored and those who make it will be treated with equal loving and care.
Now I’d like to turn to some matters about asking. A request, I’m prepared to bet, will have to be clear and sincere. If we’re muddled or resistant, if we ask to ascend because we think we should, if we have a divided mind, my best guess is that that will not suffice. The natural law is precise. If we’re holding back, I think, the natural law will hold back. I’m convinced that it will reflect our choice so be sure you’re clear and sincere.
Second matter, choice does not require effort, struggle, strenuousness, anxiety or concern. All of these are added to choice. All of them create stress and stress produces muscular tension and tension equals resistance. The natural law will take account of our resistance and resist back, in my opinion.
We’ve often heard spiritual teachers say that wanting enlightenment too much can have us miss the target. The same applies here. Choice is an action of the spirit. It is not a strenuous action of the body, which only sets up patterns of muscular tension which lower our awareness of and weaken our connection to our spirit.
Rather than strenuousness or anxiety, I’d recommend instead a settled conviction, a balanced and certain intention, without force or anxiousness about results. Peacefulness and equanimity are what Matthew calls “godly ways,” which “facilitate light absorption.” (22)
Ascension does not involve a process of souls being judged and accepted. Matthew tells us that it’s all strictly a matter of science and choice.
“There is no seat of judgment or arbitrary selection of which humans can ascend and which cannot — it is strictly a matter of science and souls’ own choices. Light changes third density’s carbon-based cellular structure to the crystalline form that lets bodies survive in the higher frequencies, or vibrations, of fourth density and beyond.
“That is why persons who choose to live in the light can ascend with Earth and those who choose to cling to their dark ways cannot.  After a time in spirit, souls in the latter group will incarnate in a world that corresponds to their Earth lifetime energy registration and have more opportunities to ‘see the light.’” (23)
In our next article, we’ll look at the science of Ascension – the critical role played in it by the absorption of Light.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

David Wilcock Blog: Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed

Posted: 17 Sep 2011 01:48 AM PDT
  80 different countries have now formed an alliance against the Old World Order / Nazi-esque cabal.   Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd -- which may be seen...

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


                                                  NEWS FROM  MAHALA GAYLE

Planet Alert Newsletter

September 2011

Web Site:


Would you like to know how accurate Astrology is? Today is August 23, 2011 and this morning there was an earthquake just outside of Washington, D.C. at Richmond, Virginia. Washington D.C. is located on 13 degrees Cancer. This morning Mars was on 13 degrees Cancer, conjunct the moon by declination and the quake happened. Isn't that interesting? I think it was a wake up call for those living in the areas of the shaking.

At the same time, Mars was square Saturn, which was exactly over Tripoli, Libya, and look what happened there. The rebels took over the stronghold of Gaddafi which means his regime is basically over. I remember one of the prophecies saying that Gaddafi would be one of the major players at the time of the end. That happened and we are at the end times.

I was looking for a storm along the east coast this month and put that in my last article. I wasn't looking for a quake with Mars in a water sign, but the Sun had just moved into Virgo, which is an earth sign and the quake happened. It looks like the storm called Irene is coming in within a few days and will hit the coast. It is bringing lots of rain and water with it, and that is the result of Mars in a water sign.

We are also in the period of destruction right now in the Mayan Calendar. We are in the 5th night which ends on September 4, 2011. This period is ruled by the planet Uranus which brings surprising events and also storms, wind, and lightening. We were in the 5th day when the Stock Market crashed and the financial challenges will continue. Don't get caught in the drama, hold the light.

We are in the White Wizard year, according to the Dreamspell Calendar by Jose Arguelles, which started on July 26, 2011. This will be a year of fun and magic, just wait and see what happens. Right now it sounds pretty much like gloom and doom, but everything can change is a moment's time. This year is ruled by the planet Vulcan which might be the same as the planet called Nibiru, because they have the same numerology value. Vulcan adds up to 19/10, and Nibiru adds up to 37/10. It looks like it will be coming into our part of the heavens this fall. It's time to be prepared on all levels.

The White Wizard year brings rising lands, lots of cosmic rays, and unannounced comets or asteroids like the comet in our heavens right now called Garradd. I had no idea that comet was coming in August. Honda has also been in our heavens. Then in September, we have Elenin arriving at the closest point to the Sun on September 11, 2011, along with the sign of the woman spoken of in chapter 12 of Revelation. It says "And a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth." This sign will be in our heavens on September 11-12, 2011.

NASA says there is nothing to worry about with comet Elenin because they say it is too small, but they don't take into consideration that any comet that comes into our area affects us by the electrical connection between the comet and Earth. Elenin is here, along with the Blue Star Ship. This is the ship of our creators. The Bible says in Revelation, chapter 11 "The second woe has passed; behold the third woe is soon to come. Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever."

It goes on to say, "The nations raged (in the Middle East countries which has gone on since January), but thy wrath came, and it's time for the dead to be judged (nobody judges you, you judge yourself). It's the time for rewarding the servants, the prophets, and the saints and those who love thy name."

"And it is the time for destroying the destroyers of the Earth." This is what I have been talking about for the past couple of years; the downfall of the controllers, which is in process right now. It may appear like the dark ones are still in control, but they are not. Just wait to see what happens when the ship gets closer. "Then Gods temple in heaven was opened and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple (ship), and there were flashes of lightning, loud noises, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail."

According to Hopi prophecies, the Blue Star comes first, and after that comes the Red Star. This is referring to Nibiru which will be seen as a Red/Orange Ball in our heavens. Check out this video It is very interesting. I believe this event will release us from the prison we have been in since the event of 9-11, and the enforcement of Homeland Security. It is time for freedom on all levels.

There may be a large earthquake when Nibiru gets closer to Earth because I had a dream a couple of weeks ago about a very large quake. In the dream I was walking over the rubble of a city. I don't know what city it was, but maybe something will happen that affects the whole Earth; like the axis of the Earth shifting again like it did in Sumatra, Chile, and Japan. The Earth still has to cleanse herself, so pay attention to your inner self and you will be in the right place, at the right time, and will be safe as these changes continue to happen.

The Earth started crossing the Galactic Plane in 1998 and has continued since then moving into a higher vibration of space. If you take 1998 and add 13 years onto it you get the year 2011. The number 13 is very important in the Mayan Calendar, and I believe October 28, 2011 is the end and the new beginning. This is my belief, and only time will tell how it all works out.

Now, something has to happen to bring the world into Unity Consciousness by that time. The only thing I can think of that could do that is if the Net or the magnetic field goes down so we are opened up to higher consciousness. I listened to David Wilcock last night on Coast to Coast and he was talking about how the remote viewers could not see beyond the year 2011-2012 unless they went through a wall, and when they did they came out in bliss consciousness. I believe this is what will happen when our magnetic field goes down, which could be triggered by Elenin or Nibiru.

I had a dream a couple of years ago on September 10. It was about being on a hill with a group of people and we were all singing "The light has won and love now rules the world''. Then on September 14, I had a dream about being with a group of people at the beach and we all fell asleep and when we woke up everything had changed. This happened overnight. The next part of the dream was showing the setting up of a new governing system that was of the light. I believe this system has already been set up and has been behind the scenes for a long time. I believe it will come forward on the new fifth dimension Earth.

On September 5th we enter the 6th day in the Mayan Calendar, which is the time of flowering and is ruled by Jupiter. The glyph that will be in effect is the Blue Eagle which represents the evolution of individual consciousness into planetary mind. The eagle also represents the compassion of all hearts linked as one with unconditional love. Maybe we will be in Unity Consciousness sooner than we think.

The 6th night starts on September 23 and is ruled by the Red Skywalker which is the glyph that represents heaven on Earth. On October 11 we move into the 7th day, which is the last, and this glyph is the Blue Monkey which represents the Divine child, the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, and joyful wonder. It is the glyph of Magic and Illusion.

There has been so much fear mongering going on in the world that I think it is time to say STOP. This is not where we are meant to be at this time. It is a time of joy and wonder. Think about it, we are at the end of a 16 billion year cycle that started with the creation of our Universe. Isn't that an awesome thought! What is there to be afraid of? Life is everlasting. Live in the joy of life; dance to the music, and live life to the fullest. Be prepared, but don't worry. Live in the Now. So Be It! I send you my love!

*****Mahala Gayle*****

Monday, September 12, 2011

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Energetic Synthesis

September 10, 2011 ES Ascension News

Letting Go of All You Know

Dear Family,

We are not turning back. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the ante has been raised .We are in the best of times and the worst of times. There is no denying the level of uncertainty and the disorientation we are feeling while in the pinnacle of this planetary energetic chaos. This rapidly increasing chaos is a result of massive changes to the fundamental energetic architecture of the planet, and it is an entirely necessary process to facilitate evolution into the next cycle. This chaotic peak has radically increased the environmental transparency to view how dependent humans have become on the false programs of a mind controlled reality. These mind control programs have been propagated for 3D humans to believe that the physical world and our Ego is the center of the Universe. We are now being forced to learn a deeper Universal Truth about the true Nature of Reality and it can be very painful to realize. The Ego Nature is being destroyed in the Presence of the Supreme Nature of the Eternal Living Light. The Life Story is over as you knew it from your Ego, the 3D personality matrix. What you Thought It Was, Will Never Be. We are leaving the finite Ego Nature to Live within Cosmic Consciousness, our infinite Spiritual Nature. Our Infinite Consciousness only Lives in the Moment of Now.

The behavioral imbalances, the mental disease, the broken systems, the disconnected boilerplates regurgitating from the automaton “machine” mentality, are apparent in the 3D environment EVERYWHERE. Without a rudder, without direction (which can only be accessed from the inner stabilization of your core essence) many feel utter confusion in the midst of this accelerating chaos. How we perceive and experience this point of time during the Ascension cycle is a matter of personal choice. Having clarity from within this massive confusion requires awareness of negative patterns and their attachments and then the focused discipline of your Ego mind to release them. It is the time to remove all attachments to the external outcome and personal results.

Many human beings are having trouble understanding the complexity of what they are undergoing and what they are actually “looking at” as their ego perception of reality is being dismantled now. Because most people misinterpret what is transpiring it can be very traumatic. It does not need to be this way and choice is offered. Mind control has been so powerfully effective on this planet that most people deny the existence of many things that are an actual waking walking reality around us every day. Such as the Extraterrestial species and UFO’s that are around us every day (and most of us have no idea why.) Such as the ancient artifacts of a helicopter and speed boat carved into a 5,000 year old Egyptian Temple (proving we were very advanced centuries ago.) Such as the fear method of the power elite creating continual “unseen” enemies in the media to direct public opinion favorable to giving up personal constitutional freedoms. Such as believing the government and economic structures (such as the financial institution bail out) were supposed to be of primary service to help the public stay in business or have a roof over their head. All of these examples, whether directly implicated with the Negative Alien Agenda (or Not) are commonly connected into one shared blaring fact – all of it is promoting anti-human agendas through deception and enslavement as acceptable social behavior. By staying asleep to these deceptions or by doing nothing - we continue to feed these control systems and keep them alive.

Many people say, “What does any of this have to do with me living my life?” This has EVERYTHING to do with your personal life, whether you as a human being, your children and the future timelines will live in freedom and self determination of your own creative expression. Where you vibrate now is where you will vibrate to when you leave your body, this planet or transfigure into an Ascending orb. What you decide now will impact generations. Invest in the permanent part of yourself, get into your relationship with your inner core spirit. To get into the Core Spirit you will have to face the shadows of deep fear and self deception. Acknowledge it. See It. Then give it to God. Inflexible minds only continue to deny the existence of the dark forces in order to attempt to continue to cover up the true nature of reality. We must confront the outer deception in order to get to the inner truth, and ask the hard questions. Who is benefiting here? When will we wake up and actually “see” what we are looking at? In order to finally “see” the nature of this planetary reality one has to Let Go of All you Know. Free your Mind.

Accept As It Is Now

Our 3D Ego Self and its distorted belief system will not continue to be reinforced anymore in the external environment. For those on the Ascension pathway, plotting, planning and strategizing for control over your future prospects is over. Your life force is in the hands of your Higher Self and you are learning how to communicate in the new language without the ego interference. Wherever you find yourself right NOW, there is a reason for it. Dissatisfaction, unhappiness and frustration in your life circumstances can only be shifted in the perception in the Now moment, there is no magical answer in the future to feed the unhappy ego. To overcome an unhappy ego you must surrender to and accept the circumstance As It Is Now. For many untrained people at this stage of evolutionary development, ego denial of the facts and blaming everything on the outside is still used as a coping mechanism. This promotes more resistance and more energetic backlash to feed the uncomfortable circumstances, prolonging the issue. We must stop the blame game and accept the responsibility for our life circumstances no matter where we find ourselves at. By way of living and breathing in a body on the planet tells you that you agreed to be here during this challenging time. Accept that responsibility by avoiding the ego’s blaming behaviors or victimizer patterns. The external environment for many people now is crumbling, at the job, relationship, health, money, possessions and social level. The walls, the ceiling and the floor are caving in and many people are in a deep panic about losing their perceived external reinforcement of security and safety. This of course is the great Illusion that must be dismantled in order to live consciously aligned to our core essence which holds the potential to infinite consciousness. There is no safety found in anything physical, the only safety is our connection to our inner core and true heart essence. If it is your time to be physically dismantled, breathe, surrender and accept it As It Is Now. Be as Still as possible. You are going to be alright. Things will then progress in your life much easier.

The Lit Path to Safety is Balance

If we can awaken from our mind controlled external nightmare and actually begin to feel within, we will also feel the pathway light up leading us to true safety and balance. There is a LIT PATHWAY to safety accessed through inner balance. When inner balance is achieved by the connected individual (no matter how intense the external chaos) the clear lit path of security and stable foundation is omnipresent. This emanates incredible peace and it is tangibly experienced when inner balance is attained. The goal of achieving balance through meditation, ego clearing and any other self reflective technique that works for you is very important now. This path of balance leads to the Aurora Guardian Hosted Ascension Timeline and is open to every person, place and thing that interacts with its new energy “unity source code” architecture. In order to connect to this architecture one must desire to know the inner light or exist in unity with God Source. God Source can only be accessed through the feeling and sensory intelligence of the pure heart. This is each person’s responsibility to learn how to connect with their personal heart space and access their inner core essence of being. NO ONE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU.

The principles of Unity, Freedom, Sovereignty and Spiritual Ascension are upheld for All Beings, and it is accessed relative to the quality of purity residing within the heart space. A Pure Heart has a High Frequency that is able to connect to God Force. A Blackened Heart has a Low Frequency and cannot connect to God Force. There is no judgment, sin or worthiness considered of any life force. All life is valued equally and given every opportunity to evolve. However, God Source and the energetic physics of that eternal source field is a mathematical architecture and cannot be accessed from within the ego architecture or from its mind control systems. Free your Mind, Live from the Heart and Terminate Fear from governing your actions and you will find safety in God Forces. It is that simple. However it is YOU that must apply that commitment to all levels interacting with your day to day life. If you apply daily devotion to these basic principles you will find release from the agony of negative ego bondage. It is this negative ego bondage which is manifesting a self created hell of mentally enslaved creatures. It is the same Negative Ego architecture that the Negative Alien Controllers use to ensnare humanity into enslavement.

Commit to living and expressing balance in your body, mind and emotions through spiritual connection and mental and emotional discipline of the ego. The Controllers have zero power over you when you are outside of their frequency reach by maintaining neutral balance. If you stay out of mental and emotional polarity (inferior and superior thoughtforms) it is very hard for them to manipulate or control you. The Controllers have no access to control Now Moment Consciousness and do not understand the self organization of God Force in Action. When you are capable to maintain and then embody energetic balance (through observer with no attachment to outcome) God Forces can access your being and bring resolution, reconciliation and peace to the most despairing of circumstances. Remember Fear closes the door to God Force while Balance (Peace and Love) Opens it.

Be Awake Without Living in Denial

One does not have to live in total denial in order to not be personally impacted by the incredible external chaos and human pain. Most people choose denial to avoid pain. If we deny dark force existence we then give it power to manipulate us masking as Gods Light. If we can see the chaos/pain as it is, accept it in the moment, we then have the power to invite God Source to Light the Way. Commanding your authority in Gods Eternal Light in the Face of the Darkness is much more effective in dissolving deception, lies and manipulation. The Dark has no chance when going face to face with the Transparent Truth. The Negative Entities controlled by Darkness are Ignorant of the Light, Ignorant of the Law and are deceivers. Dark Forces/ Ego forces are disconnected from Source light and will never tell the truth and never can be trusted as personal survival and feeding off others is their only priority. This is true for human beings possessed by these forces as well as interdimensional entities. As a result many lightworkers are deceived by Dark Masters, Negative Aliens saying they are “Jesus”, ”Mother Mary”, ArchAngel Michael and whomever they read in your ego you have a soft spot for.

Living in denial of the nature of reality ultimately will allow a blind spot in your ego to be manipulated by dark forces. Denial breeds deception breeds manipulation. Just because a person does not believe in negative forces or extraterrestrial involvement on this planet does not mean these same forces are not impacting his life. This is living like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand. Choosing to “know” means you must choose to grow up and become responsible. The planet is offering you two choices, evolve or stay in suffering. Staying in denial of your requirement to self responsibility to evolve will only prolong the mental agony. When you are informed, have evolutionary (ascension) context, you can choose and therefore are empowered. You have the personal power over what you choose as you gain knowledge and you can choose inner peace with your growth to learn self responsibility. As you participate with your growth, accept things as they are now, you will cease to suffer in pain.

The Social Sheeple Effect

However, for many humans with weak adaptive skills (which require mental and emotional flexibility), incredible mental frustration and emotional rage are apparent in the collective. Many people are being incited by the collective human mind and spinning out of control from its negative influence. Self discipline to self source the thought-form or emotion corrects this problem immediately. Ask yourself is this thought/emotion mine? Is this emotional manipulation or thought interference? Disidentify with the thought and emotion immediately and source its nature. Where is it coming from? Do you want to own it?

This lack of clarity regarding the necessity of psycho-emotional discipline to be a balanced healthy human is a massive issue in our society. This lack of self discipline breeds self entitled egomaniacs which lead to the social mass mind control of the “Sheeple Effect”. Sheeple are very easily plugged into the collective mind and controlled by the current fear program being propagated by the Controllers. ”Sheeple” are very easily manipulated and can be used to create more chaos and disruption as a distraction tactic. Most times this is carried out by dark forces using a person’s righteous self indignation to prove his ego is right. Every Gridworker has been the recipient of a “sheeple” interference at some point, many times a clear Negative Alien possession of a human being. Currently Cataclysm, Weather manipulation, Psycho-tronic terrorism are their favorite fear program of choice. It their self interest to keep the larger public misinformed, uneducated, poverty stricken and painfully distracted in every way possible. When you are connected to your inner core, all of this is meaningless to you. Achieve inner balance and God devotion and then these items will cease to disturb you.

We all will witness more unprepared people and untrained minds undergoing confusion in this forced planetary change to transform ourselves. Many of us are here to guide the masses into re-education and rehabilitation from the lower ego mind. This evolution will impact everyone on this planet at whatever appointed timeline they have made an agreement to participate with the ascension process. We will see some people appear unaffected and others traumatized, while others live joyfully connected. None of that is our problem to fixate upon as we must focus on our inner person. For most humans that have been habitually programmed into fears of basic survival, the intensity of the recent dismantle has been brutal. Basic stress management, positive thinking skills and emotional development to overcome trauma is mostly nonexistent in our social and educational systems. If the system manufacturers low adaptive skills it disempowers the individual to have the capacity to manage their own lives from accepting their own responsibility. This negative manipulation and thought control possession is rampant in the mass collective mind right now. How do you handle the stress of all you thought was reality, all you thought you were living for is actually not true? Let Go of All you Know. Free your Mind.

On the Other Side

For those of us that have made it to the other side, the inner peace and supportive energy has been nothing short of awe inspiring. (So this means YOU will get here too!) It is very clear that the Liquid Light of the Christ Sun Body is here, and we can feel it “living” inside our body. We are making a new residence for the Diamond Sun Crystal Body within our person and within this planet, and a joyful optimism is emanating from our hearts that we “made it”! We are learning the new “Diamond Sun” sensory language, as this is a new level of energetic communication that has completely changed the way we process information. This phase necessitated isolation to help the body prepare for its new configurations and well as explore how your body responds to this frequency alignment. Many of us have recently had our 7D crucifixion implants released and are awaiting the monadic attunement in the next weeks to this merkabic circulatory system that runs the Krystic Living Light throughout our body. (This accelerated around June 1st when the magnetosphere adjusted and some of us began the ascension embodiment process reflecting that change moving us out of the lunar node connection to the solar node connection). This configuration is generating a completely different “spark current” set throughout the etheric-atomic body structure. This new spherical form is a “mirrored” ball of plasma waves generating throughout and around the radial body. (The radial body has the umbilicus that connects your entire Monadic Family all the way into your biology) These plasma waves are projected from a new “light” lens that moves in multiple complexities of axiatonal lines, nodes and transfiguration points throughout the merkabic circuitry. There are a host of bodily changes and symptoms.

The Solar Feminine Returns

Due to the recent planetary changes with the lunar forces, many women have endured massive changes to their bodies more dramatically than males at this time. The False Lunar control manipulated the magnetic fields, controlled the “magnetosphere” and generated an artificial frequency fence that suppressed humanity through transmitted mind control programs. This generates distorted magnetic sound waves that control matter compression rates that ultimately lead to the molecular compaction (death) of the physical body and sometimes the soul body. This magnetic compaction rate of the physical body (which accelerated the dead light miasma) is one reason why the physical human has been disabled from embodying its higher frequency Monadic body. In March when the Unity Source Code architecture anchored into this planet, many of us (the “ascension prototypers”) went to work on embodying this new female template, the Solar Plating of the Feminine Principle. This is changing the lunar field distortion and its artificial magnetic imprints in how it has impacted our female cycles and biorhythms. This also has to do with a massive suppression insert in our pineal gland being removed. There are a host of bodily changes and symptoms.

Our entire endocrine system and how it produces, distributes and assimilates hormones into the bloodstream is slowly adjusting. Our entire biochemistry and bio-resonance is shifting. The menstrual cycle, as well as the female reproductive organs, are undergoing rejuvenation and harness/implant/artifact releases. This is creating all kinds of interesting to painful side effects as the body adjusts to stabilize this new hormonal and blood chemistry.

Our digestive system is undergoing a complete overhaul. In most cases very little solid food with a ton of fluids is required and will make you feel much more comfortable. Because of the incredible high frequency the digestive system and metabolic system slow down massively, and all energy is required for frequency integration. This means your liver is busy and there is no peristalsis movement in your intestines. Reducing your diet to liquids, puddings and small amounts of high nutrient foods that are super easy to move through - are your best choice if you are experiencing this. At this point if you consume anything solid or hard to digest foods - you will experience, high bloating distension, gas, belching and fermentation in your gut. It’s not pretty and feels bad.

As we are integrating more light, we are changing the mitochondrial DNA (sources from mother) and how we utilize energy conversion in the cell. We used to require more carbohydrate consumption to convert usable energy to operate our bodily functions. The stabilized light quotient of our Aura is now reflected in the ATP energy distribution in our cells. (ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism.) Clearly it appears we will be consuming much less food from now on. (For more on ATP :

Rod and Staff Unions

These assigned Starseed couplings have been a work in progress in the planetary field architecture since February of 2009 to sequentially dismantle the polarity (bi-wave) Vesica Pisces harness and the NRG program headquartered in the United Kingdom. The use of these structures on the planet is to collect, siphon and transpose life force and sexual energy from human beings. (To override this extreme polarity distortion these couples build a platform for the tri-wave field which allows true tantric (heart) union to occur.) The revelation hidden inside these “unions” are astounding as they have so many different dimensions of purpose for the Ascension process.

Some of these unions are genetically purposed to work on templating the transfiguration Orb architecture in the Merkaba body, as both Rod and Staff corrected principles are required to enable this function in the Diamond Sun Crystal Body. As the Female principle (Staff) holds the Monadic Blueprint architecture to infuse the Mother Aquamarine 13th Gateway, the Solar Father RA Rod principle unites with her to open the Inner Stargate within a 45 degree spinning field that collapses into a Transharmonic Orb body. That Inner Stargate is located inside our core Diamond Sun body and enables complete transfiguration of our physical and auric body to occur. As the physical body dematerializes pulling its particle mass into the center of the body core, the mass is pulled into the core at a 45 degree angle from four sides. Upon the dematerialization collapse, the Orb field spins in 360 degrees aligned to zero point/144. The inner spinning core opens into the Universal Monadic Core and every direction and movement ( into any event horizon) possibility opens into the consciousness awareness field. Moving around from inside of this Orb Body feels like “sliding”. Similar to a slippery monorail, there is a directional movement of the consciousness field perception of “sliding” back and forth. It’s a little like having sea legs after sailing on a boat and returning back to walk on land. This experience has a definite change of “grounding” as your sense of self perception and “whereabouts” is nothing we know here on Earth!

Clearly the Mother has a lot of surprises up her sleeve for us still, and having the capacity to become a Free Transfiguring Ascended Orb in our Universe, appears to be another possibility left for us to ponder.

Thank you to the ES community and all planetary gridworkers who have been committed to their clearing work and in all ways that are supporting our planet to Ascension. In celebration of our four year anniversary of the ES internet community this 9/11, we have included a bonus meditation clearing treatment for all of our readers. As you feel guided from within your personal 12 D field, this Guardian meditation has specific language to clear and to be released from the 911 Armageddon software and its mind control implantation. This Guardian meditation is the energetic architecture override of the Alpha Omega Agenda also known as the Negative Alien 911 timeline. (This is the mission and purpose of our ES community.) Commit to human freedom and let us know how you do!

Here is the meditation link to share:

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path! Be Gentle with your hearts and each other.

Love Always, Lisa

Alpha/Omega clearing 40.48 minutes (HD**)

Heavy and in depth Alpha to Omega Zip Core Clearing when you have more time for sleep integration and recovery ( A “ZIP” clearing is referred to as a “ A-Z”, top to bottom, bottom to top, internal to external, external to internal, 12 Bodies, etc. You do not want to ask for ZIP clearing unless you have time and space to integrate the opening of “zip” clearing files) Release entrapment or obfuscator cords of complex soul or entity bindings ( de-possessions) and assign new gatekeepers for Ascension in Cosmic Christ ( Eternal) Intelligences. Harmonic imprints reinstalled to all layers of 12 primary seed codes of DNA ladder. Protection and cloaking strengthening through the Golden Fleece Buffers (8D Monad and 14D fields admin by RA Family) . Remove victim victimizer archetypes and related matrices from the cellular memory sourcing from ancient battles within the history of this Universal Time Matrix. Establish Independent divine right choice of each being to ensure ”Single Soul Occupancy” if so in divine right order and harmony. (release Indigo 3 or split soul contracts if it is so in right timing)

© 2011, Lisa Renee