Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Update from the Galactic Federation

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
from Planetary Activation Organization

It is time to put those of the Light in charge. Time to bring in the promised moment of freedom. Time to terminate dark beliefs that allowed hate and separation to rule you. Time to live in Dignity and Love.
Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System
9 Ix, 17 Zac, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The horror of the present is becoming quite clear. Those who long fought and defeated the dark and its seemingly ever-present minions are in for a very sad surprise. The dark’s resilience is ready to be revealed and discovered. This realm is ready for its most crushing blow. The Light knew from the start that it was to take a special strategy to ensure its total victory. This time of triumph is at hand. In this, the dark is to be totally caught unawares. Long ago, Heaven sent forth the warriors of the Light with a single aim. This was to be able to make the dark feel that it truly was in charge of this most sacred place. This plot is now hatched and the dark’s minions are finished! These useless entities are to be in shock as they helplessly leave. It is time to put those of the Light in charge. Time to bring in the promised moment of freedom. Time to terminate dark beliefs that allowed hate and separation to rule you. Time to live in Dignity and Love. It is the sacred moment for life’s unity to push to the forefront. Let all be so done!

We come now to finish what the Light began 13 millennia ago. The dark was given its temporary moment and it quickly dissolved into arrogance and tyranny. This ill-placed amalgam is now over. Its last vestiges are quickly to become what bad dreams are made of. We gladly move forth in a meaningful manner to assure that dark is finished. The Atlanteans and their ilk ruled for far too long. The dark began to think that the decrees of Heaven were to be beaten back by sheer persistence. This has proven to be false. In fact it was this odd approach, which was to be their greatest weakness. Now it is wondrously too late. We have come like Angels in the Night and cast aside any who greatly believed in the might of their deep and scurrilous thoughts. It is to be an event that arrives suddenly and slays any who wished to delay the inevitable. It is to be a moment for taking up this new time. It is as well to be when all can finally just be and accept this grand moment of triumph

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