Wednesday, August 23, 2017


 WHAT IF I TOLD YOU WEEDS AND BACTERIA COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE? COMMON WILD EDIBLE PLANTS THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE Posted by stevew | Aug 19, 2017 | 2017, Daily Blog, Environment Physical and Etheric, Food, Health and Well-Being | 0 |    PrepperFortress WHAT IF I TOLD YOU WEEDS AND BACTERIA COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE? COMMON WILD EDIBLE PLANTS THAT CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE AUGUST 16, 2017 Written by AMY S. “The trend in bacterial development of antibiotic resistance is not unlike the increasing resistance of agricultural pests to pesticides. In 1938, scientists knew of just seven insect and mite species that had acquired resistance to pesticides. By 1984 that figure had climbed to 447 and included most of the world’s major pests. In response to heavier pesticide use and a wider variety of pesticides, pests have evolved sophisticated mechanisms for resisting the action of chemicals designed to kill them. Pesticides also kill the pests’ natural enemies, much like antibiotics kill the natural enemies of harmful bacteria in the body.” Have you ever watched a news broadcast and heard about someone who got lost in the woods and survived because they ate wild plants they knew were safe? OK, this isn’t a scenario most of us would ever find ourselves in, but who knows? Accidents happen. What would happen if there was a real disaster, such as an earthquake, nuclear bomb, or some other type of civil unrest that left you unable to visit a grocery store for weeks or maybe even months? It never hurts to know exactly how to find edible foods in the wild should the need arise. Did you know that even just knowing 4 edible plants can mean the difference between life and death? The time to learn is now. Don’t wait until an emergency situation comes up; you should be able to walk out to areas close to your home and be able to identify plants or parts of trees that are edible. It takes a bit of practice. One of the main things you want to consider is how to establish between an edible plant and a poisonous one. Although you don’t have to have an extensive knowledge, there are a few simple rules you can commit to memory and you should be fine. Avoid Plants That Have: An almond scent to the leaves or woody parts Plants with a three leaf growth pattern Milk or any type of colored sap Spines, thorns, or fine “hairs” Bulbs, beans, or seeds that are inside a pod Soapy or bitter taste Dill, parsley, carrot, or parsnip type of foliage Grains that have black, purple, or pink spurs Of course these rules don’t apply to plants or seeds that you know are safe, but if you aren’t sure, this is a good list to go by. Many poisonous plants show one or more of the above characteristics. Better to avoid an edible plant than to eat a poisonous one. Commit that list to memory, then print out some pictures of the following edible plants so that you can become accustomed to what they look like and easily identify them should the need arise. PLANTS, SEEDS, AND EDIBLE WILD GRAINS 1. AMARANTH (AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS) This plant is native to the Americas but is now found on almost every continent. Amaranth is an edible weed that the Aztecs used for food on a regular basis. You can eat all parts of this plant; however, some species have spines on the leaves. Although they are not poisonous, the spiny leaves of this plant contain oxalic acid, so it’s a good idea to boil the leaves if you can. If you have this plant growing locally without spines, feel free to dig it up and eat all parts of it. The seeds of this plant are especially delicious.  Photo credit: 2. WILD ASPARAGUS Yep, the veggie that makes your pee smell funny grows wild in most parts of North America, Africa, and Europe. Wild asparagus is thinner than the kind you are used to seeing at the grocery store, but it will be easily recognizable. This is a great way to get some vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamine, and potassium. You can boil it or just eat it raw right out of the ground.  Photo credit: 3. BURDOCK (ARCTIUM LAPPA) This plant is native to Eastern Hemisphere but it has been naturalized in most of the Western Hemisphere as well. This is a super popular food in Japan. The leaves are bitter, however, so you might want to boil them twice to remove that taste. You can eat everything on this plant including the leaves, the peeled stalk, and the root. Burdock is a medium to large sized plant with big leaves and purple thistle like flowers. In America, many people use burdock root to make tea for detox purposes, so if you learn to identify it, you can harvest it wild and have fresh tea on a regular basis.  Photo credit: 4. CHICKWEED (STELLARIA MEDIA) This herb grows just about everywhere. It has very large leaves and small white flowers May through July. Eat the leaves raw, or you can cook them.  Photo credit: 5. DANDELION (TARAXACUM OFFICINALE) Yep, that annoying little plant that is a blight on your perfect lawn. You will think differently about this plant should you need to find something to eat someday. This entire plant is edible: flowers, leaves, and roots. Eating smaller, younger leaves is preferable as larger leaves tend to be bitter. If you need to, however, you can always boil the leaves to remove that bitter taste. Read more how to harvest dandelion. You might want to boil the roots as well so they are soft. Drink the water that you boiled the roots in as a stimulating and healthy tea and use the flowers as a pretty salad additive.  Photo credit: 6. PLANTAIN (PLANTAGO) This is another “weed” that literally grows everywhere. This is a plant, not the plantain banana tree. Plantain has been used for thousands of years by humans as both food and medicine. Even if you live in the city, chances are good that plantain is growing in an abandoned lot near you! Plantain likes wet areas best, but it will grow almost anywhere. Leaves are about 6 inches in length and 4 inches wide. They are oval, ribbed with short stems that, despite their size, tend to hug the ground.  Like many plants, plantain leaves are best eaten when young as they tend to get a bitter taste when more mature. However, if you are really in need of food, you can boil the leaves to remove that bitter taste. This plant is very high in calcium and vitamin A and even has a bit of vitamin C. Since this plant grows just about everywhere, it’s good that you learn to recognize it as sometimes, it might be one of the few edible plants you can find.  Photo credit: 7. GRASS OK, don’t shake your head and say “I am not a cow.” Humans have been eating grass and the seeds from grasses for as long as anyone can remember. There are literally hundreds of varieties of grass found around the world and perhaps 99 percent of them can be safely eaten. Grasses include oats, wheat, bamboo and wild grasses. Young grass shoots as tall as 6 inches can be eaten raw and the white base that usually comes out of the ground when you pull on it can be eaten, too. If you were lost in the wilderness, you could literally just pull handfuls of grass as you walk, eating it like trail mix. If the grass is much taller than 6 inches, it gets tough and woody, but if you were desperate, you could chew it then spit out the woody parts. You can also make tea from fresh or dried grasses. When it comes to grasses, the best things to look for and eat are the seed heads. If you find enough of them, you can use them in soups, stews, or grind them to make millet for bread. Never eat black or purple colored grass seeds as these probably have a toxic fungus. Eat tan, brown, or green seeds.  Photo credit: 8. ACORNS Acorns from oak trees are a terrific source of food in fall and early winter. Acorns are similar to nuts and they have a good amount of protein and fat, which can be super beneficial in keeping you alive or adding important calories to your diet if food becomes scarce. White Oak acorns can be eaten right out of the shell, but most other types of acorns are very bitter and will need to boiled two or three times, changing the water each time, before they have been leeched of those bitter tannins. After boiling you can strain the mashed acorns through a t-shirt, and can be eaten as is, or dried to be used as flour later on. You can even mix the acorns with some berries for a natural kind of cereal.  Photo credit: 9. CATTAILS Cattails can provide you with something to eat year round. In early spring, the young shoots and stalks can be eaten raw or cooked. Cattails have flowers in late spring, and these can be husked like you would an ear of corn and boiled. In fact, many people say cattail flowers taste something like corn! The flower heads will turn a brownish orange color in the summer. These, too, can be eaten raw or dried and pounded into flour. Fall, however, is perhaps the best time to gather the horn shaped corms, which you can eat raw or roast them. These are really tasty. In the winter, the root stalk is loaded with starches. This can be broken up in water, dissolved, then strained and dried, then made into flour similar to wheat.  Photo credit: 10. PRICKLY PEAR CACTUS (OPUNTIA) If you should end up stranded in the desert, the prickly pear cactus is a very nutritional plant that is super tasty. Knowing how to eat this plant can literally save your life if you are stuck in the desert. Prickly pear cactus has a “fruit” that looks like a purplish or red pear. You will need to carefully remove the small spines or spikes on the outer skin. Once you have removed all the stickers, you can eat this juicy “pear” seeds and all. Full of moisture, it can be a lifesaver. If need be, you can also eat the young stems of the cactus itself, but you should boil them before eating. You should also look for streams or rivers with fish, and know how to clean them. It’s not that difficult but knowing how to catch a fish and finding a few edible plants can make all the difference. Even if you can only find two or three edible plants near you, that is more than most people. With this information, you can not only survive, but you can actually thrive!(source)  11. ALOE VERA You probably have aloe vera at home in your medicine cabinet. The inside goo of this plant has excellent antibacterial properties. That means it can help keep a wound from getting infected, which means you might get to keep that toe after all.  12. BEE BALM Another antibacterial plant is bee balm. The red or purple flowers can also be brewed into an “Oswego tea” to relieve a fever. The leaves smell similar to bergamot oil (like you’d find in Earl Grey tea).  13.BONESET Use the leaves of boneset for tea to cure the most severe cases of fever (even dengue fever). Be cautious with this herb, though, because overdoses can be fatal.  14. YARROW While a tourniquet is often your best option for major bleeding, a yarrow poultice can also help stop bleeding. Chew a few leaves and apply to your wound. Now get yourself to a hospital. FOOD SOURCES Maladies are not your only worry when you’re far away from civilization. Here are six plants you can eat all or part of to keep your strength up if you’ve run out of provisions.  There are many different medicinal herbs and plants that can be used for healing. Some are more effective than others and many can be lethal if used in the wrong dosage. We recommend taking the time to learn about medicinal plants if you plan to use them. Buy a book written by a respected expert. BOOKS CAN BE YOUR BEST PRE-COLLAPSE INVESTMENT. The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them) Survival MD (Best Post Collapse First Aid Survival Guide Ever) Conquering the coming collapse (Financial advice and preparedness ) Liberty Generator (Build and make your own energy source) Backyard Liberty (Easy and cheap DIY Aquaponic system to grow your organic and living food bank) Bullet Proof Home (A Prepper’s Guide in Safeguarding a Home ) Family Self Defense (Best Self Defense Strategies For You And Your Family) Survive Any Crisis (Best Items To Hoard For A Long Term Crisis) Survive The End Days (Biggest Cover Up Of Our President) SHARE: RATE:  PREVIOUSGermany ‘sides with China and Russia’, supports China peace plan NEXTBannon Ousted From The White House – Will ‘Go To War for Trump’ from Breitbart  SEARCH … TRANSLATE HELP GALACTIC CONNECTION THRIVE   ARE YOU A GUARDIAN? Click Here For More Information OUR NEW ESSENCES AND OILS LINES ~ ~ ~ UNPLUG FROM THE MATRIX! REMOVE YOUR CONTROLLING IMPLANTS! PHASE 1 Click Here For More Information PHASES 2 & 3: SOUL ALIGNMENT AND DNA SEQUENCING Click Here For More Information THE GUARDIAN PROTECTION INITIATION Click Here For More Information SPIRITUAL PAST LIFE CLEARINGS Click Here For More Information ALCHEMICAL ORGANIC LIGHT REALIGNMENT PROCESS AND ANCHORING PROCESS Click Here For More Information PREPARING FOR THE NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT Click Here For More Information CO-CREATING YOUR DESIRED REALITY Click Here For More Information INTRUSION REMOVAL AND DIVINE ESSENCE RETRIEVAL Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S GALACTIC CONNECTION ALCHEMY Transform your life with powerful Galactic Alchemy PSYCHIC PROTECTION TOOLS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS Click here for more information FOLLOW US ON YOUTUBE!  SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES!  ARE YOU FEELING ISOLATED AND STUCK? Click here for more information STAND IN YOUR AUTHORITY Click here for more information BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU Click here for more information GO WITH THE FLOW AND LIVE IN THE NOW Click here for more information WHIP YOUR FINANCES INTO SHAPE Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S PERSONALIZED ESSENCES  Click Here To Learn More About Alexandra's Personalized Essences PSYCHIC PROTECTION  Click Here for More Information on Psychic Protection! IMPLANT REMOVAL SERIES  Click here to listen to the IRP and SA/DNA Process READ THE TESTIMONIALS  Click Here To Read What Others Are Experiencing! COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY GALACTIC CONNECTION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts of material created by Galactic Connection may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Alexandra Meadors and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The Daily Blog page operates under a Creative Commons license. Information from our Daily Blog page may be re-distributed as long as proper attribution to the author and direction to their original content is provided. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you. Privacy Policy By subscribing to you acknowledge that your name and e-mail address will be added to our database. As with all other personal information, only working affiliates of have access to this data. We do not give addresses to outside companies, nor will we ever rent or sell your email address. Any e-mail you send to is completely confidential. Therefore, we will not add your name to our e-mail list without your permission. Continue reading... Galactic Connection 2016 | Design & Development by AA at Superluminal Systems

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


 URGENT: MESSAGE FROM PRIME CREATOR – AUGUST 19, 2017 Posted by Sandi Wilkins | Aug 20, 2017 | 2017, Alexandra's Personal & Prime Creator Messages, Ascension, Consciousness, Daily Blog, Interviews, Spirituality | 0 |    August 19, 2017 To Alexandra: I am contacting you today with my final message to my Children of Earth. First I want to say I have never allowed anyone to channel me. Nor have I relayed any of these direct messages from me to you other than through Alexandra. I designated her to be the receiver of my messages to give to my children. All others are impersonators of your game with the purpose to deceive you into keeping the game going. Now I am providing my final message to my children of this world! It is time to bring you home after thousands of millennia… One of my children has found her way out of the maze within the simulator of a virtual reality of which you all participated in. Your thoughts both individually and collectively created your reality. When you fully comprehend this message, you may feel upset, speechless, finding no words to describe how this makes you feel, that you are literally within a destructive computer game that you all created. Your reality started in a class room where a group of children thought it would be great to play a game inside the simulator of virtual reality of hide and seek. The children’s desire was to hide so well that I would never find them! This is how your history and your reality were created and where you are now. I do believe you are all calling it Team Dark and Team Light. I am here to give you notice that this insanity will come to an end as I will be bringing my children home soon. All will have full comprehension and understanding of their participation in this game, as well as the harm they have caused themselves and others! All will receive full comprehension and understanding of the choices that were made and how these choices ultimately created your life experiences lifetime after lifetime, within a ongoing time loop you all created. Let’s look at what you believe to be your truth, but is actually your life in a simulator of a virtual reality, and only exists within that simulator. The following list presents all the sorts of things you created within the simulated reality that are not true, and do not exist: All hierarchy beings and systems, dimensions, heavens, rules, regulations, laws, justice, lies, deception, distrust, inability to have discernment, the sleight of hand scenarios, etc. and all that you know that you believe to be true in your reality does not exist!!! Are you done with your simulated virtual reality where you created the hunt and find routine, or to be hunted by others, to have perpetual lack of what you need and want, consistently limiting yourself and others, segmenting yourselves into have and have nots, ascending to a higher dimension of where you never created an exit plan? You are the creators of “Groundhog Day” – living in a time loop over and over and over again. Experiencing the same themes of pain and suffering over and over again but expecting a different outcome! This also created all the stories you know of today in your reality such as Alice in Wonderland, where she goes down the rabbit hole with no way out. Movies such as The Matrix, The Ghost in the Shell, The Circle, and Groundhog Day, all reveal the house of mirrors, mazes, and wheels within wheels of perpetual motion you all created, causing you to go deeper and deeper into your rabbit hole of your virtual reality which you all created. These things also created polarity, duality, dark matter with substance, and separation of self. You also fractured yourselves and others through all of the geometric shapes which creates more separation within yourself!! This in turn created multi-layering within and without an all-encompassing quantum entanglement of yourself with others and everything that ever exists in your reality! All of you have created quite a quagmire of complexities which many coin as a huge clusterf***. The bottom line is do you know how to get out this virtual reality game???? At this point there are 350,000 quadtrillion sectors times 1,000. And dimensions within dimensions that do not exist – space within space with openings into another space – it is much like the Russian Doll Effect! I am here today to give you notice that your game is done! I have found all of you and all final plans are being made to bring you all home. You all will take full responsibility for all that you have created, all that you have harmed, and you will have full comprehension and understanding of all the choices you made that you created to the fullest extent. This will be done before moving on to anything else. Your choices triggered an event that only took a millisecond to transpire, was contained by me in a millisecond, and “existed” in my space for approximately 30 yrs – and remember I AM where time does not exist. In your reality, you have spent 350,000 quadtrillion years looping in this experience. It has taken me 30 years to help you figure how to get you out of your own game. Note that this did not create any spiritual growth, I would essentially call this experience a severe lesson of hard knocks. This virtual reality game stopped all things in their tracks, where nothing new has been created since this happened!!! I have spent my time helping you to find your way out of what you all created. I have never left you, and I have never stopped loving you. Your return home will be welcomed with open arms, with love and gratitude for all I have learned from you that I didn’t believe could ever exist in someone. Love Prime Creator Sector of Creation Love #5 SHARE: RATE:  PREVIOUSEating Like A Baby To Integrate The Light Body With Ease NEXTHuge UFO Event To Happen During The Solar Eclipse 2017! [VIDEO]  SEARCH … TRANSLATE HELP GALACTIC CONNECTION THRIVE   ARE YOU A GUARDIAN? Click Here For More Information OUR NEW ESSENCES AND OILS LINES ~ ~ ~ UNPLUG FROM THE MATRIX! REMOVE YOUR CONTROLLING IMPLANTS! PHASE 1 Click Here For More Information PHASES 2 & 3: SOUL ALIGNMENT AND DNA SEQUENCING Click Here For More Information THE GUARDIAN PROTECTION INITIATION Click Here For More Information SPIRITUAL PAST LIFE CLEARINGS Click Here For More Information ALCHEMICAL ORGANIC LIGHT REALIGNMENT PROCESS AND ANCHORING PROCESS Click Here For More Information PREPARING FOR THE NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT Click Here For More Information CO-CREATING YOUR DESIRED REALITY Click Here For More Information INTRUSION REMOVAL AND DIVINE ESSENCE RETRIEVAL Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S GALACTIC CONNECTION ALCHEMY Transform your life with powerful Galactic Alchemy PSYCHIC PROTECTION TOOLS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS Click here for more information FOLLOW US ON YOUTUBE!  SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES!  ARE YOU FEELING ISOLATED AND STUCK? Click here for more information STAND IN YOUR AUTHORITY Click here for more information BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU Click here for more information GO WITH THE FLOW AND LIVE IN THE NOW Click here for more information WHIP YOUR FINANCES INTO SHAPE Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S PERSONALIZED ESSENCES  Click Here To Learn More About Alexandra's Personalized Essences PSYCHIC PROTECTION  Click Here for More Information on Psychic Protection! IMPLANT REMOVAL SERIES  Click here to listen to the IRP and SA/DNA Process READ THE TESTIMONIALS  Click Here To Read What Others Are Experiencing! COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY GALACTIC CONNECTION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts of material created by Galactic Connection may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Alexandra Meadors and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The Daily Blog page operates under a Creative Commons license. Information from our Daily Blog page may be re-distributed as long as proper attribution to the author and direction to their original content is provided. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you. Privacy Policy By subscribing to you acknowledge that your name and e-mail address will be added to our database. As with all other personal information, only working affiliates of have access to this data. We do not give addresses to outside companies, nor will we ever rent or sell your email address. Any e-mail you send to is completely confidential. Therefore, we will not add your name to our e-mail list without your permission. Continue reading... Galactic Connection 2016 | Design & Development by AA at Superluminal Systems

Monday, August 14, 2017


 CALIFORNIA VOTE SCANDAL BLOWS UP Posted by stevew | Aug 12, 2017 | 2017, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Government Laws, Policies, Politicians, Military | 0 |    JonRappoport CALIFORNIA VOTE SCANDAL BLOWS UP Aug8by Jon Rappoport California vote-fraud scandal blows up by Jon Rappoport August 8, 2017 The watchdog group, Judicial Watch, is threatening to file a lawsuit if the state government of California doesn’t clean up its vast voting mess. (twitter version here, and here) What mess? Judicial Watch: “…public records obtained…show 11 California counties have more registered voters than voting-age citizens.” What?? There’s more. “Los Angeles County officials ‘informed us that the total number of registered voters [in the County] now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.’” FAR MORE REGISTERED VOTERS THAN THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OF VOTING AGE. That’s doesn’t work. That’s fraud. Now add this to the mix. Over a million illegal immigrants (some say far more) have received driver’s licenses in California. All of them (unless they specifically opt out), are automatically registered to vote by the Dept. of Motor Vehicles. Put all this insanity together, and what do you get? A gigantic number of people who can illegally cast votes. Because, in California, it’s legal to be illegal. Want to proceed further down the rabbit hole? It’s probable that many illegal immigrants don’t vote. If someone wanted to vote FOR them, how would that work? Not one at a time, unless some sinister organization had at least half a million foot soldiers on call, on Election Day. But here is a possible clue: electronic voting systems. Back in 2007, the secretary of state of California ordered a “Top-to-Bottom Review” of all electronic voting systems currently in use in California elections. In other words, up to that time, these systems had been considered a very fine way to run the vote count. The systems obviously had been tested and re-tested and checked and approved. They were already being used in the state of California. However, astoundingly, all the following electronic systems were found to contain fatal flaws: Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold); Hart InterCivic; Sequoia Voting Systems; Election Systems and Software. The first three systems were disqualified from further use…and then conditionally re-approved. The fourth system was rejected altogether. To suppose that, after this top-to-bottom review in 2007, everything was quickly fixed is a leap only the foolish and unwary would take—particularly when we are talking about extremely talented hackers who could be employed to change election-vote numbers. I read the California Top-to-Bottom Review. The public comments section at the end was illuminating. It contained explosive remarks. For example, there was a discussion of vendors pretending to sell certain voting machines to the state of California…but actually selling other machines…machines that were not certified for use. Another comment indicated that California lacked a method to ensure the source code for voting-machine software actually belonged to software certified by the state. All in all, there is no guarantee (far from it) that the California voting system is safe or effective or honest. If someone manipulated the system, and somehow utilized the huge numbers of illegal immigrants who are registered to vote, as a cover for falsified numbers… Who would use illegal immigrants in that way? You can answer that question. SHARE: RATE:  PREVIOUSJohn DeCamp, Defender Of Franklin Scandal Child Sex Abuse Victims, Is Dead At 76 NEXTJP MORGAN LAUNCHES NEW HIGH FREQUENCY TRADING ALGORITHM  SEARCH … TRANSLATE HELP GALACTIC CONNECTION THRIVE   ARE YOU A GUARDIAN? Click Here For More Information OUR NEW ESSENCES AND OILS LINES ~ ~ ~ UNPLUG FROM THE MATRIX! REMOVE YOUR CONTROLLING IMPLANTS! PHASE 1 Click Here For More Information PHASES 2 & 3: SOUL ALIGNMENT AND DNA SEQUENCING Click Here For More Information THE GUARDIAN PROTECTION INITIATION Click Here For More Information SPIRITUAL PAST LIFE CLEARINGS Click Here For More Information ALCHEMICAL ORGANIC LIGHT REALIGNMENT PROCESS AND ANCHORING PROCESS Click Here For More Information PREPARING FOR THE NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT Click Here For More Information CO-CREATING YOUR DESIRED REALITY Click Here For More Information INTRUSION REMOVAL AND DIVINE ESSENCE RETRIEVAL Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S GALACTIC CONNECTION ALCHEMY Transform your life with powerful Galactic Alchemy PSYCHIC PROTECTION TOOLS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS Click here for more information FOLLOW US ON YOUTUBE!  SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES!  ARE YOU FEELING ISOLATED AND STUCK? Click here for more information STAND IN YOUR AUTHORITY Click here for more information BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU Click here for more information GO WITH THE FLOW AND LIVE IN THE NOW Click here for more information WHIP YOUR FINANCES INTO SHAPE Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S PERSONALIZED ESSENCES  Click Here To Learn More About Alexandra's Personalized Essences PSYCHIC PROTECTION  Click Here for More Information on Psychic Protection! IMPLANT REMOVAL SERIES  Click here to listen to the IRP and SA/DNA Process READ THE TESTIMONIALS  Click Here To Read What Others Are Experiencing! COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY GALACTIC CONNECTION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts of material created by Galactic Connection may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Alexandra Meadors and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The Daily Blog page operates under a Creative Commons license. Information from our Daily Blog page may be re-distributed as long as proper attribution to the author and direction to their original content is provided. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you. Privacy Policy By subscribing to you acknowledge that your name and e-mail address will be added to our database. As with all other personal information, only working affiliates of have access to this data. We do not give addresses to outside companies, nor will we ever rent or sell your email address. Any e-mail you send to is completely confidential. Therefore, we will not add your name to our e-mail list without your permission. Continue reading... Galactic Connection 2016 | Design & Development by AA at Superluminal Systems

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Breaking: interview with Vaxxed producer who was just banned from Australia

      Breaking: Interview with Vaxxed producer who was just banned from Australia (To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Interview with Vaxxed producer banned from Australia Producer of film Vaxxed banned from Australia By Jon Rappoport Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed, has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane---it is. Vaxxed has been screening across the world. It is an explosive revelation about egregious fraud at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The film focuses on the 2014 public confession of a long-time researcher at the CDC, William Thompson. Thompson admits that he and his colleagues committed a crime, by manipulating data to give the MMR vaccine a free pass, "proving" it had no connection to autism---when in fact, as Thompson states, the vaccine does raise the risk of autism in children. Here are a few statements from the The Sydney Morning Herald's report, headlined: "Anti-vaccination advocate 'banned from Australia' after documentary tour." "The producer Polly Tommey behind a controversial anti-vaccination film which has been touring Australia has been banned from returning to the country for three years, she claims." "Ms Tommey spearheaded a sold-out national roadshow of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe organised by the Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network." "In a video, posted to Youtube on Tuesday, Ms Tommey claimed authorities seized her phone and copied her emails as she left Australian soil to continue the New Zealand leg of the film tour." "'They (Australian Border Force) told me I was banned from Australia for three years and that I would be getting a letter to confirm this,' Ms Toomey said." "A number of secret screenings of the documentary and Q& A sessions were hosted in Australia, including one last week at Village's Crown casino cinemas in Southbank and another in Melbourne's eastern suburbs." I contacted Polly Tommey, and she sent me this statement, quickly typed on her phone as she was heading to New Zealand: "After a very successful 2 week tour of Vaxxed in Australia with packed out venues including the Australian National University I went through passport control in Adelaide airport on route to New Zealand, I was traveling with Anu Vaidya, our social media director---he was allowed straight through (we are both on the same business visas and both do the same work, Q&As and stories from parents via social media) I was detained." "They took my phone and asked for my password which I gave them (I have nothing to hide) they screenshot emails between AVN [Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network] and Vaxxed. They grilled me on Vaxxed and who made money from the documentary, they asked me about Andy Wakefield [also involved in the film's production]." "They told me I was banned from Australia for 3 years and I would receive an email to explain in due course. They then gave me my phone back and let me board a plane to New Zealand." "Australia's press did this, they promoted Vaxxed and our tour. We barely filled the venues before they wrote endless articles with quotes from health ministers saying how Vaxxed is dangerous lies. From that moment on the venues were packed with waiting lists, they are their own worst enemies." "I don't need to go back to Australia, the people are strong and know what to do. They are as angry as the rest of the world at the death and destruction of our babies and loved ones." Doctors, medical bureaucrats, and government officials in Australia are foaming at the mouth, releasing statements against Vaxxed and warning how "dangerous" the film is, and how it should not be shown and seen. These Orwellian lunatics want to cancel the public's right to have access to information. "Don't think, obey." Here is their strategy in a nutshell: they want to equate certain information with shouting fire in a crowded theater and, therefore, claim the right to free speech and free assembly is canceled. Actually, and quite literally, they're the ones shouting fire in a crowded theater. Because they want to empty the theaters. The content of Vaxxed is all about exposing the lies of official science. Toxic vaccination is destroying the brains of babies and children. Whether you agree or disagree with that last statement, trying to outlaw conversation about it and intimidate people who want the conversation is sheer totalitarian madness. Polly Tommey is a woman who stands for what she believes and puts everything on the line. She has delved deeply into the protected secrets of the medical establishment. She has emerged with a film brimming with knowledge. In a half-sane world, she would be hailed as a hero. Obviously, the customs agents who detained and questioned her, as she was leaving Australia, who told her she was banned from the country, were acting on behalf of higher-ups. Those medical, political, and pharmaceutical higher-ups want silence. From you. They want you to shut up and close your eyes and march straight ahead into the future they are laying out for you. A future ever more toxic. Are you going to give in? Are you going to abandon your natural right to search for the truth? Are you going to suck on the teat of the State and thank your betters for the morsels they hand you? Are you going to believe this surrender to the State has no danger? Are you going to stop worrying and learn to love Big Brother?   Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.  Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.  You can find this article and more at      No More Fake News, Encinitas, Encinitas, CA 92024 SafeUnsubscribe™ Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with  Try it free today  FYI Hide quoted text ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Jon Rappoport" Date: Aug 9, 2017 5:23 AM Subject: Vaxxed producer banned from Australia To: Cc:       Breaking: Interview with Vaxxed producer who was just banned from Australia (To read about Jon's mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) Interview with Vaxxed producer banned from Australia Producer of film Vaxxed banned from Australia By Jon Rappoport Polly Tommey, producer of the famous documentary, Vaxxed, has been banned from Australia. If that sounds quite insane---it is. Vaxxed has been screening across the world. It is an explosive revelation about egregious fraud at the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The film focuses on the 2014 public confession of a long-time researcher at the CDC, William Thompson. Thompson admits that he and his colleagues committed a crime, by manipulating data to give the MMR vaccine a free pass, "proving" it had no connection to autism---when in fact, as Thompson states, the vaccine does raise the risk of autism in children. Here are a few statements from the The Sydney Morning Herald's report, headlined: "Anti-vaccination advocate 'banned from Australia' after documentary tour." "The producer Polly Tommey behind a controversial anti-vaccination film which has been touring Australia has been banned from returning to the country for three years, she claims." "Ms Tommey spearheaded a sold-out national roadshow of the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe organised by the Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network." "In a video, posted to Youtube on Tuesday, Ms Tommey claimed authorities seized her phone and copied her emails as she left Australian soil to continue the New Zealand leg of the film tour." "'They (Australian Border Force) told me I was banned from Australia for three years and that I would be getting a letter to confirm this,' Ms Toomey said." "A number of secret screenings of the documentary and Q& A sessions were hosted in Australia, including one last week at Village's Crown casino cinemas in Southbank and another in Melbourne's eastern suburbs." I contacted Polly Tommey, and she sent me this statement, quickly typed on her phone as she was heading to New Zealand: "After a very successful 2 week tour of Vaxxed in Australia with packed out venues including the Australian National University I went through passport control in Adelaide airport on route to New Zealand, I was traveling with Anu Vaidya, our social media director---he was allowed straight through (we are both on the same business visas and both do the same work, Q&As and stories from parents via social media) I was detained." "They took my phone and asked for my password which I gave them (I have nothing to hide) they screenshot emails between AVN [Australian Vaccinations-Skeptics Network] and Vaxxed. They grilled me on Vaxxed and who made money from the documentary, they asked me about Andy Wakefield [also involved in the film's production]." "They told me I was banned from Australia for 3 years and I would receive an email to explain in due course. They then gave me my phone back and let me board a plane to New Zealand." "Australia's press did this, they promoted Vaxxed and our tour. We barely filled the venues before they wrote endless articles with quotes from health ministers saying how Vaxxed is dangerous lies. From that moment on the venues were packed with waiting lists, they are their own worst enemies." "I don't need to go back to Australia, the people are strong and know what to do. They are as angry as the rest of the world at the death and destruction of our babies and loved ones." Doctors, medical bureaucrats, and government officials in Australia are foaming at the mouth, releasing statements against Vaxxed and warning how "dangerous" the film is, and how it should not be shown and seen. These Orwellian lunatics want to cancel the public's right to have access to information. "Don't think, obey." Here is their strategy in a nutshell: they want to equate certain information with shouting fire in a crowded theater and, therefore, claim the right to free speech and free assembly is canceled. Actually, and quite literally, they're the ones shouting fire in a crowded theater. Because they want to empty the theaters. The content of Vaxxed is all about exposing the lies of official science. Toxic vaccination is destroying the brains of babies and children. Whether you agree or disagree with that last statement, trying to outlaw conversation about it and intimidate people who want the conversation is sheer totalitarian madness. Polly Tommey is a woman who stands for what she believes and puts everything on the line. She has delved deeply into the protected secrets of the medical establishment. She has emerged with a film brimming with knowledge. In a half-sane world, she would be hailed as a hero. Obviously, the customs agents who detained and questioned her, as she was leaving Australia, who told her she was banned from the country, were acting on behalf of higher-ups. Those medical, political, and pharmaceutical higher-ups want silence. From you. They want you to shut up and close your eyes and march straight ahead into the future they are laying out for you. A future ever more toxic. Are you going to give in? Are you going to abandon your natural right to search for the truth? Are you going to suck on the teat of the State and thank your betters for the morsels they hand you? Are you going to believe this surrender to the State has no danger? Are you going to stop worrying and learn to love Big Brother?   Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.  Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.  You can find this article and more at      No More Fake News, Encinitas, Encinitas, CA 92024 SafeUnsubscribe™ Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with  Try it free today