Tuesday, August 22, 2017


 URGENT: MESSAGE FROM PRIME CREATOR – AUGUST 19, 2017 Posted by Sandi Wilkins | Aug 20, 2017 | 2017, Alexandra's Personal & Prime Creator Messages, Ascension, Consciousness, Daily Blog, Interviews, Spirituality | 0 |    August 19, 2017 To Alexandra: I am contacting you today with my final message to my Children of Earth. First I want to say I have never allowed anyone to channel me. Nor have I relayed any of these direct messages from me to you other than through Alexandra. I designated her to be the receiver of my messages to give to my children. All others are impersonators of your game with the purpose to deceive you into keeping the game going. Now I am providing my final message to my children of this world! It is time to bring you home after thousands of millennia… One of my children has found her way out of the maze within the simulator of a virtual reality of which you all participated in. Your thoughts both individually and collectively created your reality. When you fully comprehend this message, you may feel upset, speechless, finding no words to describe how this makes you feel, that you are literally within a destructive computer game that you all created. Your reality started in a class room where a group of children thought it would be great to play a game inside the simulator of virtual reality of hide and seek. The children’s desire was to hide so well that I would never find them! This is how your history and your reality were created and where you are now. I do believe you are all calling it Team Dark and Team Light. I am here to give you notice that this insanity will come to an end as I will be bringing my children home soon. All will have full comprehension and understanding of their participation in this game, as well as the harm they have caused themselves and others! All will receive full comprehension and understanding of the choices that were made and how these choices ultimately created your life experiences lifetime after lifetime, within a ongoing time loop you all created. Let’s look at what you believe to be your truth, but is actually your life in a simulator of a virtual reality, and only exists within that simulator. The following list presents all the sorts of things you created within the simulated reality that are not true, and do not exist: All hierarchy beings and systems, dimensions, heavens, rules, regulations, laws, justice, lies, deception, distrust, inability to have discernment, the sleight of hand scenarios, etc. and all that you know that you believe to be true in your reality does not exist!!! Are you done with your simulated virtual reality where you created the hunt and find routine, or to be hunted by others, to have perpetual lack of what you need and want, consistently limiting yourself and others, segmenting yourselves into have and have nots, ascending to a higher dimension of where you never created an exit plan? You are the creators of “Groundhog Day” – living in a time loop over and over and over again. Experiencing the same themes of pain and suffering over and over again but expecting a different outcome! This also created all the stories you know of today in your reality such as Alice in Wonderland, where she goes down the rabbit hole with no way out. Movies such as The Matrix, The Ghost in the Shell, The Circle, and Groundhog Day, all reveal the house of mirrors, mazes, and wheels within wheels of perpetual motion you all created, causing you to go deeper and deeper into your rabbit hole of your virtual reality which you all created. These things also created polarity, duality, dark matter with substance, and separation of self. You also fractured yourselves and others through all of the geometric shapes which creates more separation within yourself!! This in turn created multi-layering within and without an all-encompassing quantum entanglement of yourself with others and everything that ever exists in your reality! All of you have created quite a quagmire of complexities which many coin as a huge clusterf***. The bottom line is do you know how to get out this virtual reality game???? At this point there are 350,000 quadtrillion sectors times 1,000. And dimensions within dimensions that do not exist – space within space with openings into another space – it is much like the Russian Doll Effect! I am here today to give you notice that your game is done! I have found all of you and all final plans are being made to bring you all home. You all will take full responsibility for all that you have created, all that you have harmed, and you will have full comprehension and understanding of all the choices you made that you created to the fullest extent. This will be done before moving on to anything else. Your choices triggered an event that only took a millisecond to transpire, was contained by me in a millisecond, and “existed” in my space for approximately 30 yrs – and remember I AM where time does not exist. In your reality, you have spent 350,000 quadtrillion years looping in this experience. It has taken me 30 years to help you figure how to get you out of your own game. Note that this did not create any spiritual growth, I would essentially call this experience a severe lesson of hard knocks. This virtual reality game stopped all things in their tracks, where nothing new has been created since this happened!!! I have spent my time helping you to find your way out of what you all created. I have never left you, and I have never stopped loving you. Your return home will be welcomed with open arms, with love and gratitude for all I have learned from you that I didn’t believe could ever exist in someone. Love Prime Creator Sector of Creation Love #5 SHARE: RATE:  PREVIOUSEating Like A Baby To Integrate The Light Body With Ease NEXTHuge UFO Event To Happen During The Solar Eclipse 2017! [VIDEO]  SEARCH … TRANSLATE HELP GALACTIC CONNECTION THRIVE   ARE YOU A GUARDIAN? Click Here For More Information OUR NEW ESSENCES AND OILS LINES ~ ~ ~ UNPLUG FROM THE MATRIX! REMOVE YOUR CONTROLLING IMPLANTS! PHASE 1 Click Here For More Information PHASES 2 & 3: SOUL ALIGNMENT AND DNA SEQUENCING Click Here For More Information THE GUARDIAN PROTECTION INITIATION Click Here For More Information SPIRITUAL PAST LIFE CLEARINGS Click Here For More Information ALCHEMICAL ORGANIC LIGHT REALIGNMENT PROCESS AND ANCHORING PROCESS Click Here For More Information PREPARING FOR THE NEW DIVINE BLUEPRINT Click Here For More Information CO-CREATING YOUR DESIRED REALITY Click Here For More Information INTRUSION REMOVAL AND DIVINE ESSENCE RETRIEVAL Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S GALACTIC CONNECTION ALCHEMY Transform your life with powerful Galactic Alchemy PSYCHIC PROTECTION TOOLS, PROCLAMATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS Click here for more information FOLLOW US ON YOUTUBE!  SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES!  ARE YOU FEELING ISOLATED AND STUCK? Click here for more information STAND IN YOUR AUTHORITY Click here for more information BREAK THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU Click here for more information GO WITH THE FLOW AND LIVE IN THE NOW Click here for more information WHIP YOUR FINANCES INTO SHAPE Click Here For More Information ALEXANDRA’S PERSONALIZED ESSENCES  Click Here To Learn More About Alexandra's Personalized Essences PSYCHIC PROTECTION  Click Here for More Information on Psychic Protection! IMPLANT REMOVAL SERIES  Click here to listen to the IRP and SA/DNA Process READ THE TESTIMONIALS  Click Here To Read What Others Are Experiencing! COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY GALACTIC CONNECTION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts of material created by Galactic Connection may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Alexandra Meadors and www.galacticconnection.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. The Daily Blog page operates under a Creative Commons license. 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