Saturday, April 1, 2017

Domensional Overlays Of Earth Vibrating Now'

Dimensional Overlays Of Each Earth Vibrating NOW Post In: Spirituality - By Dylan Harper - Apr 1, 20170 When you see EARTH and all as a myriad of different dimensions and timelines, with multiple universes within it, you will start to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that Earth is not just one dimension, it’s a gazillion of them. Your OWN experience on this EARTH is your play that plays out for you. Your own dimension/timeline and you don’t get a higher vibrational one UNTIL YOU CHOOSE IT and EMBODY IT from within you. Instead of looking at the Earth as a the only reality as true, look at it as your dimensional version that you CREATED and HOLD THE VIBRATION for with every particle of you. Your transmission, your beliefs, your mentalities…. then look out there and see if the physical particles that have taken physical form are all that you DESIRE, fulfill your dreams, inspire you and enhance your soul/life now. IF NOT, then you are in an old timeline, which is a vibrational MATCH to some sort of separation that you still hold inside. It’s up to you to change your vibration and shift, intentionally, constantly, continually, until you have achieved the vibration you desire to experience ALL OF THE TIME. Your own CONSCIOUSNESS transmits the frequencies, sequences and codes that tell the physical how to take form. You, your attention, what you allow you to think, allow yourself to participate in, allow to continually occur in your own physical timeline. You do not get to “just leave”…. your Crystalline LightBody has to EVOLVE, hold light, activate your crystals, Christed Consciousness, so that you can vibrate, literally, your Quantum Cells will vibrate you into different realities FOR YOU…. Yes, that physical reality is YOUR REAL…. your program…. your play….. All yours…. and how you JUMP TIMELINES it totally up to the amount PHOTONIC LIGHT that you hold (Light Quotient)…. in every moment… or the amount of physical matter density that you still hold. If you want a different reality, YOU have to do this…. for EMBODIMENT of higher light frequencies and the purity of LOVE is what gives you the ability, yes, YOUR ABILITIES, to do all easily, naturally and organically from within. Your VERSION OF EARTH is the one you hold the vibrations for. Old Earth or NEW. Your VERSION of your body, dense 3D or LIGHT 5D (and so far beyond 5D now). Your Aspects dictate. Your Super Consciousness or unconscious dictates PHYSICAL MATTER and how it takes form IN RESPONSE TO YOU! Dimensions overlay, weave in and out. You are standing next to Angels, Christed BEings, ArchAngels, Ascended Masters, Galactic LIGHT BEINGS (us) all of the time, but if you don’t hold the vibration, you can’t see us, interact with us, until you shift your own vibration to vibrate into OUR REALITY here…. now. When you stop “thinking” it can’t be, you open up to the opportUNITY to actually experience this too. It’s not up there/out there, it’s all around you. Which physically solid hologram are you tuning in to, tuning your whole body to… in every moment. Tune to a higher frequency to vibrate into a higher frequency existence…. 3D Earth/Body 4D Earth/Body 5D Earth/Body 6D Earth/Body 7D Earth/Body 8D Earth/Body 9D Earth/Body 10D Earth/Body 11D Earth/Body 12D Earth/Body 13D Earth/Body 14D Earth/Body 15D Earth/Body 16D Earth/Body 17D Earth/Body 18D Earth/Body 19D Earth/Body (and so much higher)….. This is an entire EVOLUTION into HIGHER FREQUENCY BANDWIDTHS of EXISTENCES… that will continue until all of the lower bandwidths are gone/dissolved/dismantled and re-constructed in a whole new frequency (de-materialization/re-materialization). Yes, right now. Which vibrational body, Earth, reality are you HOLDING ALL OF THE TIME…. you will oscillate and re-tune constantly as your priority becomes your own existence and which Earth you are on RIGHT NOW. These higher Cosmic Galactic Source Purity Christed frequencies change your vibration, change the density of physical matter on Earth, you, your whole inside/outside world. 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Inspirational articles straight to my inbox? YES, please! 1 Shares Post Tags: awakeningConnectionEarthenergyold soulsspirituality ← Spirituality May Be Underused Tool in Treating Mental Illness Dylan Harper Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for and teaches surfing to children. 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By Dyland Harper

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