Thursday, March 30, 2017

Megiddo Archetypal Battle

Galactic Connection Lisa Renee: Time Shift Blog: Megiddo Archetypal Battle Posted by stevew | Mar 30, 2017 | 2017, Daily Blog, Spirituality | 0 | Lisa Renee: Time Shift Blog: Megiddo Archetypal Battle EnergeticSynthesis Time Shift Blog Megiddo Archetypal Battle For thousands of years a mound in northern Israel, Megiddo, has been the site of many ancient battles and spiritual battles that were waged to gain access to the holy lands and to be in close proximity to the Temple Mount. Ancient cities were established in this area to serve as a fortress to guard the mountain passage. As the city was destroyed and rebuilt many times as a result of these battles, cities were built on top of conquered cities and over time, a mound or hill was formed. Thus, the Hebrew word that translates as the battle of Armageddon means the hill of Megiddo. Megiddo is an ancient city whose remains form an archaeological mound, situated in northern Israel near Kibbutz Megiddo, about 30 km south-east of Haifa. Megiddo is known for its historical, geographical, and theological importance, especially under its Greek name Armageddon. During the Bronze Age, Megiddo was an important Canaanite city-state and during the Iron Age, a royal city in the Kingdom of Israel. Excavations have unearthed 26 layers of ruins, indicating a long period of settlement. Megiddo is strategically located at the head of a pass through the Carmel Ridge overlooking the Jezreel Valley from the west. The site is now home to the Megiddo Kibbutz and protected as an National Park and is a World Heritage Site. The Megiddo kibbutz was founded in 1949 by Holocaust survivors from Hungary and Poland who organized at the end of World War II and then fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. Some of the famous battles that have been given to the public in the written history include: Battle of Megiddo (15th century BCE): fought between the armies of the Egyptian pharaohThutmose III and a large Canaanite coalition led by the rulers of Megiddo and Kadesh. Battle of Megiddo (609 BCE): fought between Egyptian pharaoh Necho II and the Kingdom of Judah, in which King Josiah fell. Battle of Megiddo (1918): fought during World War I between Allied troops, led by General Edmund Allenby, and the defending Ottoman army. In English, and especially for bible educated Christians, Megiddo has come to represent the battle between the Anti-Christ (anti-human entities) and Christ forces (human beings) as the final showdown that occurs for complete control on the earth or the material plane, as it symbolizes the final battle for control over the earth and humanity. The Book of Revelation designates Armageddon as the assembly point in the apocalyptic setting of God’s final battle against evil on the earth. Thus, Evangelical Christians believe that this physical location will be the site of the final battle between Jesus Christ and Satan, as it is outlined in the Book of Revelation. Before we take this discussion any further, first it is important to comprehend that with the NAA, the design of the lower ego mind was intended as the means for conditioning the collective consciousness into mind control programming in order to suppress the consciousness abilities of humanity and to derail their emotional and spiritual growth to prevent Ascension. The negative ego construct and the low vibrations processed through these mental body software systems, force asleep or unawakened people to process their reality in extremely limited parameters within the scope of their egoic linear mind functions. As a result of the suppression of the higher mind and spiritual disconnection, most 3D people are looking at the manifest reality through flat one dimensional perceptions that are purely materialistic, physical and linear. Processing the outer reality from mere physical observations with only the physical senses in the visible light spectrum is not only extremely limiting, but the conclusions that most people arrive when only considering material observations are generally extremely confused, erroneous, and completely misunderstood. In the context of applying the egoic linear mind and its limited comprehension of the concept of Armageddon and Megiddo, this also falls within the similar scope of grave misunderstandings. Religiously trained people tend to be mentally and spiritually confused about the meaning of its symbolism in the world of forces that are present on the earth. Religion tends to misconstrue symbolic archetypes in consciousness to be direct physical events that are prophesized to happen in a physical location or with a physical person, because it has interpreted the meaning into literal events of fate made through the filter of human negative ego limitation. This assessment is not accurate and it is a complete misinterpretation of how it translates into the realm of consciousness development, spirit and energy, and the shifting of timelines. For our regular readers, you may have the context to realize that the bible writings and organized religion was instigated and produced by the Negative Alien’s that were grooming humans on the earth to be their slaves at the end of the time cycle, or Ascension cycle. They developed artificial intelligence programs in the planetary mind called Armageddon Software to reinforce the church’s teachings of the crucifixion, afterlife and capitalize on the content in the Book of Revelations, in order to use this as a trauma and fear based program to continually scare the holy bejesus out of human beings. Armageddon software taps into the collective consciousness to manipulate past painful traumas associated with the fall of humankind, and the Atlantian Cataclysm. Although the bible and other sacred texts have many human and otherworldly inspired passages, most all of the information was edited out from true freedom teachings and was spread with the intent for human slavery, to create bonds with alien gods or black hole entities that would use humans for their own selfish purposes. We can also refer to these same creatures as Satanic forces or Luciferian forces that have chosen the negative polarity and vampirism, to which many of these creatures refuse to change or evolve into the higher realms or to move into the next level of consciousness experience. As many of us are aware, the human and nonhuman Controllers on the earth are being handled at the top of the pyramid scheme by the invisible hands of extradimensional entities that hold anti-human beliefs, which also qualifies them as Anti-Christs. In the Universal World of Forces, with the potentials of negative, positive and neutral forces that exist as a possibility within each spectrum of frequency, all levels of consciousness utilize archetypal filters in order to express their principles into the material world. In the process of morphogenesis, the blueprint and archetypal pattern expresses the way that consciousness energy arranges itself on the material plane as it experiences movement through time and space. As an example, all human beings have incarnated on this planet with multiple layers of archetypal patterning, many of which can be meditated upon and studied through the sciences of cosmological, numerological and astrological influences. As a spiritual being navigating in the world of forces, we choose the patterns and arrangements within the time and space construct that our spirit is intending to incarnate within in order to expand consciousness or to be of service to the Creator. When we come to the earth, we are imprinted with the planetary collective consciousness, each of us having received magnetic imprints upon our consciousness body at the time of conception which are designed to help us express those multiple layers of archetypes in the context of greater consciousness expansion, while experiencing life lessons through our physical identity on the material plane. As we travel the timelines on earth, we experience exposures to the negative polarity and positive polarity in varying degrees, in order to finally reach the synthesizing of all opposing polarities we have experienced to return them back to the neutral forces or zero point. In applying the context of the symbolic meaning and the representation of Armageddon and Megiddo, their role in the world of forces and how this relates to spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness, this means that each of us on the spiritual path will be exposed to people, places, things and events that are primarily emanations of the negative polarity, positive polarity and/or neutral state. In order to expand our consciousness and gain spiritual proficiency navigating in these forces, we have to become aware of the differences that exist between the dark and light, negative and positive, inorganic and organic, alien and human, artificial and natural or the differences between Satanic, Luciferian or Christ Consciousness. This is especially critical for the Galactic Warriors, Starseeds and Indigos who are the forerunners of the planetary Ascension. Please understand that this year, as we undergo the bifurcation, the showdown of the Megiddo Archetypal Battle is playing out on the surface of the planet. The bifurcation is gathering ascending areas and descending areas on the planet, which align to certain archetypal patterns and frequency resonances that are recorded in the collective consciousness, which then people or things will act as a conduit for that specific consciousness force, and it will play out its many roles on the earth plane in order to bring these forces into the physical plane. We must always remember that the world of forces utilizes archetypes to express through in order to physicalize, and that the dark forces of negative polarity will play out Satanic archetypes, while the positive forces still in 3D will play out primarily Luciferian archetypes, and the neutral forces will hold the potential for Christ Consciousness. If we have clarity about how the World of Forces come into the matter worlds, we can consciously participate with this process from a place of fearlessness, observation and pure consciousness presence, which will help to protect us from all Anti-Christ attacks directed through time. Galactic Warriors and Gridworkers please understand, that you will come to face the Megiddo Archetype, which is the showdown between the Anti-Christ representatives and the Christ representatives, and your power is in holding the neutral force, timelessness, and knowing and stating your authority in Cosmic Sovereign Law and the divine will of God. Recognize all Satanics and Luciferians are bound in time and space, and you cannot fight them in their territory of time, you must remain fearless, timeless and boundless to time and space by staying and holding neutral while staying connected to the God Source field. More of the Galactic Warriors are now capable to be in zero point-144 coordinates, that open the spaces that exist outside of dimensionalization and time, thus, you can straddle timelines, and simultaneously exist outside of them. This is where you must stay when you face the Anti-Christ – fearless, timeless, neutral and amplifying the inner power and magnitude of your Christ Consciousness Shield or Diamond Pillar as needed for deflection or for transfiguration. This means that all of us that are completely and utterly devoted to serve the Cosmic Christ Consciousness will undergo some level of the Megiddo Archetype Battle between the Anti-Christ and the Christ forces on the earth, and this will show up for us to face through a person, place, thing or event in our lives. It can happen in dreaming states, or waking states, or in some circumstantial event or with social events. It will just show up uninvited, and present for your witnessing. To move from the personality harmonics into the soul harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Solar level. To move from soul harmonics to monadic harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Galactic level. To move from monadic harmonics to Christ Consciousness harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Universal level. In order to unify the inner polarities between the gender forces, and to further evolve into sacred union or Hieros Gamos, we must synthesize and unify the polarities so that our physical body and consciousness can run Christ consciousness frequencies and zero point energy. How do we navigate the Megiddo Archetype Battle? It is absolutely imperative that you stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the Anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutral presence. Do not engage in any high risk behavior with drugs, alcohol or experimenting with consciousness altering influences this year, you must stay in control over your impulses and body at all times. Protect your body with all your life. Refuse to be pulled into direct engagement or actual combat with the anti-Christ. Do not succumb to any form of violence or aggression, wait for him to make the move. Time passing and waiting patiently will always be on your side, because the right and aligned timing is imperative. Anti-Christ is the ultimate deceiver, and will try to make you believe that you have no power and will lure you into his realm of battle. He will flash haunting images of torturous pain and you must remember it is all a lie and deception used to weaken you. You can exist outside of time and hold unconditional love, while he cannot, do not be lured into his or her consciousness traps. Stay outside of time in the now presence and gain amplification and strength through pure observation, compassionate witnessing and recognition of who and what he is. You may need to observe him continually in the terrain in order to see what he is, before the confrontation actually occurs. In the confrontation, observe him quietly and neutrally with compassionate witnessing, call his name in the power of God and Christ, telling him that you know exactly what he is. He has no authority over you or those you protect in the consciousness fields that have been commanded in the Laws. In the right aligned divine moment and timing, you will naturally evict him completely from accessing your realm, or from accessing that layer in the planetary body. The Christ consciousness is the only force that can release bondage in time from human and anti-human forces, but you must be out of time and refuse to play his game in his hologram or in his turf. (See Spiritual Deliverance Section) When the Anti-Christ force appears to be coming through a person, place or thing in matter, do not believe it is them or make the mistake to assign it to that person, it is really the forces of the anti-Christ using that person. Most of the time the person is not a practicing Satanist, but is being manipulated in their pain body and trauma wounding. Observe and learn as the Anti-Christ has much to teach you. It is not really the identity of that person, place or thing that this force is using in order to be represented on the physical plane. You are seeing the consciousness force through that archetype running through that person, place or thing that is carrying that archetype for the explicit purpose for you and them to ultimately recognize, see and call out the Anti-Christ workings. You must discern and know what the Anti-Christ is at every level of spiritual growth, as it is the Great Pretender or Ultimate Imposter that is designed to create agony and division in humanity. Your goal is to know and discern the nature of the imposter, and to discern what is the real, or to see the darkness masquerading as light when it is pretending to be the Christ. Once you see the Anti-Christ and fully understand what he is, these forces have no power over you. Unfortunately, the Anti-Christ works through many people, places and things in the 3D world and these forces go completely unrecognized, unacknowledged and unseen, which allows the dark forces to continue to grow the Anti-Christ consciousness on the earth. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a spiritual forces that protect your aura and body in the presence of Anti-Christ. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force on the material plane. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. The Spirits of Christ are that which attract Virtues which are a form of the bestowal of Divine Grace which is transmitted to us in the most dire moments. Because of the planetary shifting this year, there is an intense pressure towards completing the previous cycles in order to synthesize the opposing polarities into neutral and this is weighing very heavy on many of us. We can feel this personally, globally and even into the Solar System and Universal realms. The Megiddo Archetypal Battle is both potentially a serious spiritual initiation and dark arts training to gain the proficiency each initiate requires for the highest expression of their potential in the next cycle. Dark Arts Training refers to a period in your life where you are pushed hard, usually through some sort of suffering, to go beyond your current frame of reference in order to fully comprehend what is happening to you spiritually. This also means pulling back the veil that hides alien interference in human evolution. Rather than feel victimized by these events, this is a time to take 100% responsibility for your own spirit, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This is the time to build your spiritual house and develop some energetic muscle, mental discipline and Meditationskill. This phase usually requires that we educate ourselves about true earth and Galactic History, and go through a type of cosmic re-orientation process. If you don’t have an accurate assessment of the many forces operating on earth at this time, it is very difficult to navigate the chaotic terrain. One of the most common reactions is for people to seek an outside quick fix, to have entities removed or implants extracted by a third party. There may be times when this can be helpful, but ultimately, doing it your self is the most beneficial. Until you build your spiritual house and command your space, these quick fixes will not last. Everyone must discern the nature of the Anti-Christ forces, or discern the differences between dark, light and neutral forces. As you come to comprehend that larger playing field and learn how to 12D Shield, how to scan and clear as a daily practice, your life changes dramatically. There is really no going back, to seeing the world as you did before. Dark Arts Training is typically a huge turning point in one’s life, and it is strengthening us for the ultimate confrontation, the Megiddo Archetypal Battle to evict the Anti-Christ from our lives, and from the planet, once and for all. May Perfect Peace be with you now. 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