Thursday, March 30, 2017

Megiddo Archetypal Battle

Galactic Connection Lisa Renee: Time Shift Blog: Megiddo Archetypal Battle Posted by stevew | Mar 30, 2017 | 2017, Daily Blog, Spirituality | 0 | Lisa Renee: Time Shift Blog: Megiddo Archetypal Battle EnergeticSynthesis Time Shift Blog Megiddo Archetypal Battle For thousands of years a mound in northern Israel, Megiddo, has been the site of many ancient battles and spiritual battles that were waged to gain access to the holy lands and to be in close proximity to the Temple Mount. Ancient cities were established in this area to serve as a fortress to guard the mountain passage. As the city was destroyed and rebuilt many times as a result of these battles, cities were built on top of conquered cities and over time, a mound or hill was formed. Thus, the Hebrew word that translates as the battle of Armageddon means the hill of Megiddo. Megiddo is an ancient city whose remains form an archaeological mound, situated in northern Israel near Kibbutz Megiddo, about 30 km south-east of Haifa. Megiddo is known for its historical, geographical, and theological importance, especially under its Greek name Armageddon. During the Bronze Age, Megiddo was an important Canaanite city-state and during the Iron Age, a royal city in the Kingdom of Israel. Excavations have unearthed 26 layers of ruins, indicating a long period of settlement. Megiddo is strategically located at the head of a pass through the Carmel Ridge overlooking the Jezreel Valley from the west. The site is now home to the Megiddo Kibbutz and protected as an National Park and is a World Heritage Site. The Megiddo kibbutz was founded in 1949 by Holocaust survivors from Hungary and Poland who organized at the end of World War II and then fought in the 1948 Arab–Israeli war. Some of the famous battles that have been given to the public in the written history include: Battle of Megiddo (15th century BCE): fought between the armies of the Egyptian pharaohThutmose III and a large Canaanite coalition led by the rulers of Megiddo and Kadesh. Battle of Megiddo (609 BCE): fought between Egyptian pharaoh Necho II and the Kingdom of Judah, in which King Josiah fell. Battle of Megiddo (1918): fought during World War I between Allied troops, led by General Edmund Allenby, and the defending Ottoman army. In English, and especially for bible educated Christians, Megiddo has come to represent the battle between the Anti-Christ (anti-human entities) and Christ forces (human beings) as the final showdown that occurs for complete control on the earth or the material plane, as it symbolizes the final battle for control over the earth and humanity. The Book of Revelation designates Armageddon as the assembly point in the apocalyptic setting of God’s final battle against evil on the earth. Thus, Evangelical Christians believe that this physical location will be the site of the final battle between Jesus Christ and Satan, as it is outlined in the Book of Revelation. Before we take this discussion any further, first it is important to comprehend that with the NAA, the design of the lower ego mind was intended as the means for conditioning the collective consciousness into mind control programming in order to suppress the consciousness abilities of humanity and to derail their emotional and spiritual growth to prevent Ascension. The negative ego construct and the low vibrations processed through these mental body software systems, force asleep or unawakened people to process their reality in extremely limited parameters within the scope of their egoic linear mind functions. As a result of the suppression of the higher mind and spiritual disconnection, most 3D people are looking at the manifest reality through flat one dimensional perceptions that are purely materialistic, physical and linear. Processing the outer reality from mere physical observations with only the physical senses in the visible light spectrum is not only extremely limiting, but the conclusions that most people arrive when only considering material observations are generally extremely confused, erroneous, and completely misunderstood. In the context of applying the egoic linear mind and its limited comprehension of the concept of Armageddon and Megiddo, this also falls within the similar scope of grave misunderstandings. Religiously trained people tend to be mentally and spiritually confused about the meaning of its symbolism in the world of forces that are present on the earth. Religion tends to misconstrue symbolic archetypes in consciousness to be direct physical events that are prophesized to happen in a physical location or with a physical person, because it has interpreted the meaning into literal events of fate made through the filter of human negative ego limitation. This assessment is not accurate and it is a complete misinterpretation of how it translates into the realm of consciousness development, spirit and energy, and the shifting of timelines. For our regular readers, you may have the context to realize that the bible writings and organized religion was instigated and produced by the Negative Alien’s that were grooming humans on the earth to be their slaves at the end of the time cycle, or Ascension cycle. They developed artificial intelligence programs in the planetary mind called Armageddon Software to reinforce the church’s teachings of the crucifixion, afterlife and capitalize on the content in the Book of Revelations, in order to use this as a trauma and fear based program to continually scare the holy bejesus out of human beings. Armageddon software taps into the collective consciousness to manipulate past painful traumas associated with the fall of humankind, and the Atlantian Cataclysm. Although the bible and other sacred texts have many human and otherworldly inspired passages, most all of the information was edited out from true freedom teachings and was spread with the intent for human slavery, to create bonds with alien gods or black hole entities that would use humans for their own selfish purposes. We can also refer to these same creatures as Satanic forces or Luciferian forces that have chosen the negative polarity and vampirism, to which many of these creatures refuse to change or evolve into the higher realms or to move into the next level of consciousness experience. As many of us are aware, the human and nonhuman Controllers on the earth are being handled at the top of the pyramid scheme by the invisible hands of extradimensional entities that hold anti-human beliefs, which also qualifies them as Anti-Christs. In the Universal World of Forces, with the potentials of negative, positive and neutral forces that exist as a possibility within each spectrum of frequency, all levels of consciousness utilize archetypal filters in order to express their principles into the material world. In the process of morphogenesis, the blueprint and archetypal pattern expresses the way that consciousness energy arranges itself on the material plane as it experiences movement through time and space. As an example, all human beings have incarnated on this planet with multiple layers of archetypal patterning, many of which can be meditated upon and studied through the sciences of cosmological, numerological and astrological influences. As a spiritual being navigating in the world of forces, we choose the patterns and arrangements within the time and space construct that our spirit is intending to incarnate within in order to expand consciousness or to be of service to the Creator. When we come to the earth, we are imprinted with the planetary collective consciousness, each of us having received magnetic imprints upon our consciousness body at the time of conception which are designed to help us express those multiple layers of archetypes in the context of greater consciousness expansion, while experiencing life lessons through our physical identity on the material plane. As we travel the timelines on earth, we experience exposures to the negative polarity and positive polarity in varying degrees, in order to finally reach the synthesizing of all opposing polarities we have experienced to return them back to the neutral forces or zero point. In applying the context of the symbolic meaning and the representation of Armageddon and Megiddo, their role in the world of forces and how this relates to spiritual ascension and expanding consciousness, this means that each of us on the spiritual path will be exposed to people, places, things and events that are primarily emanations of the negative polarity, positive polarity and/or neutral state. In order to expand our consciousness and gain spiritual proficiency navigating in these forces, we have to become aware of the differences that exist between the dark and light, negative and positive, inorganic and organic, alien and human, artificial and natural or the differences between Satanic, Luciferian or Christ Consciousness. This is especially critical for the Galactic Warriors, Starseeds and Indigos who are the forerunners of the planetary Ascension. Please understand that this year, as we undergo the bifurcation, the showdown of the Megiddo Archetypal Battle is playing out on the surface of the planet. The bifurcation is gathering ascending areas and descending areas on the planet, which align to certain archetypal patterns and frequency resonances that are recorded in the collective consciousness, which then people or things will act as a conduit for that specific consciousness force, and it will play out its many roles on the earth plane in order to bring these forces into the physical plane. We must always remember that the world of forces utilizes archetypes to express through in order to physicalize, and that the dark forces of negative polarity will play out Satanic archetypes, while the positive forces still in 3D will play out primarily Luciferian archetypes, and the neutral forces will hold the potential for Christ Consciousness. If we have clarity about how the World of Forces come into the matter worlds, we can consciously participate with this process from a place of fearlessness, observation and pure consciousness presence, which will help to protect us from all Anti-Christ attacks directed through time. Galactic Warriors and Gridworkers please understand, that you will come to face the Megiddo Archetype, which is the showdown between the Anti-Christ representatives and the Christ representatives, and your power is in holding the neutral force, timelessness, and knowing and stating your authority in Cosmic Sovereign Law and the divine will of God. Recognize all Satanics and Luciferians are bound in time and space, and you cannot fight them in their territory of time, you must remain fearless, timeless and boundless to time and space by staying and holding neutral while staying connected to the God Source field. More of the Galactic Warriors are now capable to be in zero point-144 coordinates, that open the spaces that exist outside of dimensionalization and time, thus, you can straddle timelines, and simultaneously exist outside of them. This is where you must stay when you face the Anti-Christ – fearless, timeless, neutral and amplifying the inner power and magnitude of your Christ Consciousness Shield or Diamond Pillar as needed for deflection or for transfiguration. This means that all of us that are completely and utterly devoted to serve the Cosmic Christ Consciousness will undergo some level of the Megiddo Archetype Battle between the Anti-Christ and the Christ forces on the earth, and this will show up for us to face through a person, place, thing or event in our lives. It can happen in dreaming states, or waking states, or in some circumstantial event or with social events. It will just show up uninvited, and present for your witnessing. To move from the personality harmonics into the soul harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Solar level. To move from soul harmonics to monadic harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Galactic level. To move from monadic harmonics to Christ Consciousness harmonics, this group will face the anti-Christ forces at the Universal level. In order to unify the inner polarities between the gender forces, and to further evolve into sacred union or Hieros Gamos, we must synthesize and unify the polarities so that our physical body and consciousness can run Christ consciousness frequencies and zero point energy. How do we navigate the Megiddo Archetype Battle? It is absolutely imperative that you stay neutral, focused and clear, be fearless in the presence of those who represent the Anti-Christ. Do not react to anything you see and do not lose control over your faculties, stay anchored in the now moment with neutral presence. Do not engage in any high risk behavior with drugs, alcohol or experimenting with consciousness altering influences this year, you must stay in control over your impulses and body at all times. Protect your body with all your life. Refuse to be pulled into direct engagement or actual combat with the anti-Christ. Do not succumb to any form of violence or aggression, wait for him to make the move. Time passing and waiting patiently will always be on your side, because the right and aligned timing is imperative. Anti-Christ is the ultimate deceiver, and will try to make you believe that you have no power and will lure you into his realm of battle. He will flash haunting images of torturous pain and you must remember it is all a lie and deception used to weaken you. You can exist outside of time and hold unconditional love, while he cannot, do not be lured into his or her consciousness traps. Stay outside of time in the now presence and gain amplification and strength through pure observation, compassionate witnessing and recognition of who and what he is. You may need to observe him continually in the terrain in order to see what he is, before the confrontation actually occurs. In the confrontation, observe him quietly and neutrally with compassionate witnessing, call his name in the power of God and Christ, telling him that you know exactly what he is. He has no authority over you or those you protect in the consciousness fields that have been commanded in the Laws. In the right aligned divine moment and timing, you will naturally evict him completely from accessing your realm, or from accessing that layer in the planetary body. The Christ consciousness is the only force that can release bondage in time from human and anti-human forces, but you must be out of time and refuse to play his game in his hologram or in his turf. (See Spiritual Deliverance Section) When the Anti-Christ force appears to be coming through a person, place or thing in matter, do not believe it is them or make the mistake to assign it to that person, it is really the forces of the anti-Christ using that person. Most of the time the person is not a practicing Satanist, but is being manipulated in their pain body and trauma wounding. Observe and learn as the Anti-Christ has much to teach you. It is not really the identity of that person, place or thing that this force is using in order to be represented on the physical plane. You are seeing the consciousness force through that archetype running through that person, place or thing that is carrying that archetype for the explicit purpose for you and them to ultimately recognize, see and call out the Anti-Christ workings. You must discern and know what the Anti-Christ is at every level of spiritual growth, as it is the Great Pretender or Ultimate Imposter that is designed to create agony and division in humanity. Your goal is to know and discern the nature of the imposter, and to discern what is the real, or to see the darkness masquerading as light when it is pretending to be the Christ. Once you see the Anti-Christ and fully understand what he is, these forces have no power over you. Unfortunately, the Anti-Christ works through many people, places and things in the 3D world and these forces go completely unrecognized, unacknowledged and unseen, which allows the dark forces to continue to grow the Anti-Christ consciousness on the earth. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a spiritual forces that protect your aura and body in the presence of Anti-Christ. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force on the material plane. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. The Spirits of Christ are that which attract Virtues which are a form of the bestowal of Divine Grace which is transmitted to us in the most dire moments. Because of the planetary shifting this year, there is an intense pressure towards completing the previous cycles in order to synthesize the opposing polarities into neutral and this is weighing very heavy on many of us. We can feel this personally, globally and even into the Solar System and Universal realms. The Megiddo Archetypal Battle is both potentially a serious spiritual initiation and dark arts training to gain the proficiency each initiate requires for the highest expression of their potential in the next cycle. Dark Arts Training refers to a period in your life where you are pushed hard, usually through some sort of suffering, to go beyond your current frame of reference in order to fully comprehend what is happening to you spiritually. This also means pulling back the veil that hides alien interference in human evolution. Rather than feel victimized by these events, this is a time to take 100% responsibility for your own spirit, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. This is the time to build your spiritual house and develop some energetic muscle, mental discipline and Meditationskill. This phase usually requires that we educate ourselves about true earth and Galactic History, and go through a type of cosmic re-orientation process. If you don’t have an accurate assessment of the many forces operating on earth at this time, it is very difficult to navigate the chaotic terrain. One of the most common reactions is for people to seek an outside quick fix, to have entities removed or implants extracted by a third party. There may be times when this can be helpful, but ultimately, doing it your self is the most beneficial. Until you build your spiritual house and command your space, these quick fixes will not last. Everyone must discern the nature of the Anti-Christ forces, or discern the differences between dark, light and neutral forces. As you come to comprehend that larger playing field and learn how to 12D Shield, how to scan and clear as a daily practice, your life changes dramatically. There is really no going back, to seeing the world as you did before. Dark Arts Training is typically a huge turning point in one’s life, and it is strengthening us for the ultimate confrontation, the Megiddo Archetypal Battle to evict the Anti-Christ from our lives, and from the planet, once and for all. May Perfect Peace be with you now. 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Gates Foundation leading the way in Eugenics Global Depopulation

ARTICLES BLOGS LABS SCIENCE REFERENCE REPORTS VIDEOS RADIO INFOGRAPHICS MUSIC CARTOONS LIBRARY RSS STORE Search Powered by Gates Foundation leading the way in eugenics depopulation plan to rid the world of humans Wednesday, March 29, 2017 by: Robert Jonathan Tags: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, bill gates, Birth control, Contraception, Contraceptives, family planning 0Views Image: Gates Foundation leading the way in eugenics depopulation plan to rid the world of humans (Natural News) Software billionaire Bill Gates, the world’s wealthiest globalist, is funding research into male birth control through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Although the international husband-and-wife charity that targets healthcare, family planning and poverty spends massively on a wide range of female contraception methods to prevent unintended pregnancies, the Microsoft founder’s organization devotes some resources ($600,000 in 2016) to the male equivalent. The New York Times reported in November that the Gates Foundation “has donated more than $1 billion for family planning efforts and will spend about $180 million more this year” as part of its goal of providing birth control access to 120 million additional women pursuant to the Family Planning 2020 campaign, a United Nations-allied, public-private global partnership. India recently cut ties with the vaccine-pushing Gates Foundation over an alleged conflict of interest with Big Pharma. The issue apparently revolved around dangerous HPV vaccines that reportedly bring with them extreme side effects. In a 2010 Ted Talk, Bill Gates stated, “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” Gates apparently never explained how vaccines in and of themselves would play a role in population reduction, however. (RELATED: Read about more population control at In their annual open letter to Gates Foundation endower and fellow billionaire Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda don’t mention male contraceptives, but Bill does assert, “Like vaccines, contraceptives are one of the greatest lifesaving innovations in history.” The organization is on record as saying that contraception is one of the most effective ways to lift families out of poverty in developing nations while reducing childhood mortality. “This link between saving lives, a lower birthrate, and ending poverty was the most important early lesson Melinda and I learned about global health,” Bill Gates writes in the 14 February 2017, Buffett letter. Last month, Bill Gates expressed criticism over President Trump’s decision to defund international abortion efforts through Planned Parenthood and other similar groups. The Trump executive order reversing an Obama policy merely prevents taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion procedures and promotion overseas, and has no effect on what private entities such as the Gates Foundation do with their money, however. According to the MIT Technology Review, the Baylor College of Medicine is one of the Gates-backed facilities that has rebooted efforts to develop a male birth control technique in the form of “an easy-to-take pill that’s safe, fast-acting, and reversible.” Baylor’s Martin Matzuk is using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) genetic-engineering biotechnology to delete mouse genes that are active in the testes one by one, the MIT publication explains. “These mice are allowed to mate, and if their female partners don’t get pregnant after three to six months, it means the gene might be a target for a contraceptive. … His next step, he says, will be a novel screening approach to test whether any of about two billion chemicals can disable these genes in a test tube. Promising chemicals could then be fed to male mice to see if they cause infertility.” Researchers at the University of Georgia, another Gates-funded institution, are testing contraceptive drugs on human stem cells “that look and act like the sperm-making factory cells in the testes.” In 2012, Natural News founder Mike Adams nicknamed Bill Gates the Sperminator because of his alleged obsession with destroying human sperm and depopulating the planet. According to a 2015 article in Natural News, the Gates Foundation likes to cover all its bases. It donated at least $26 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary’s alleged money laundering, pay-for-play operation that collected big bucks from foreign governments and multinational corporations while Hillary, the failed 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, was U.S. secretary of state. Sources: Previous :Vaccine warning for VEGANS: Vaccines are made with a cocktail of animal parts, human fetal tissue cell lines and African monkey cells 0Views Fuel the Life You Want With Noni, the Pacific's Ultimate Superfruit The best-kept superfood secret of the Pacific islands is out. Noni superfruit offers a spectrum of nutrients that support healthy memory, fight oxidation, aid post-workout recovery, and support robust health. Health Ranger Select Noni Fruit Powder contains the same nutrients and minerals found in fresh noni fruit, with no additives or preservatives. Just stir it into your smoothie, protein shake, or yogurt for a powerful health boost. IN STOCK, SHIPPING TODAY. CLICK HERE TO ORDER. Join the Health Ranger's FREE email newsletter Get breaking news alerts on GMOs, fluoride, superfoods, natural cures and more... Your privacy is protected. Unsubscribe at any time. | Learn more... More news on Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gates Foundation leading the way in eugenics depopulation plan to rid the world of humans Bill Gates quietly funding effort to develop thousands of new vaccines that conveniently ‘might’ become pandemics Disqus Take Action: Support Natural News by linking to this article from your website Permalink to this article: Embed article link: (copy HTML code below): Gates Foundation leading the way in eugenics depopulation plan to rid the world of humans Reprinting this article: Non-commercial use OK, cite with clickable link. 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Scientists descover how to Kill Cancer using Sound Waves !

ARTICLES BLOGS LABS SCIENCE REFERENCE REPORTS VIDEOS RADIO INFOGRAPHICS MUSIC CARTOONS LIBRARY RSS STORE Search Powered by Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves Wednesday, March 29, 2017 by: Earl Garcia Tags: alternative cancer treatment, cancer, cancer treatments, ultrasounds 1,010Views Image: Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves (Natural News) A recent breakthrough in high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU) technology has proven its use as an effective cancer treatment. A multi-institutional research team from China developed a semi-enclosed, spherical cavity transducer that can produce a focused, standing-wave field with a subwavelength-scale focal region and extremely high ultrasound intensity. The spherical cavity transducer appeared to generate tighter focal regions and greater pressure amplitude compared with the traditional concave spherical transducer. Researchers said the level of intensity generated by the new transducer design may lead to significant improvements in HIFU therapy. The findings were published in the Journal of Applied Physics. HIFU is a non-invasive, targeted treatment that makes use of sound waves to eradicate cancer cells. HIFU uses an ultrasonic transducer to convert electrical signals into sound waves, then concentrates ultrasound into a small focal region to raise the temperature to more than 65 decrees Celsius, thereby killing cancer cells in the process without inducing damage to surrounding tissues. The technique works in the same manner as focusing sunlight through a lens, which helps eliminate the disease-causing cells. HIFU can be used as an alternative to traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and surgery. Sound waves prove to be viable cancer treatment in various studies High-intensity focused ultrasound therapy proved to be a highly-effective cancer treatment in various studies and clinical trials. For instance, researchers at the University College Hospital in London examined 625 men with prostate cancer and found that 93 percent of patients who underwent HIFU alone remained cancer-free at five years following the treatment, without requiring surgery or radiotherapy. Data also showed that only one to two percent of patients who had HIFU treatment suffered long-term urinary incontinence, compared with 10 to 20 percent of patients who had surgery. In addition, only 15 percent of patients in the HIFU group developed erectile dysfunction compared with 30 to 60 percent of surgical patients. “The results of this study are impressive and have the potential to transform prostate cancer treatment for many men in the future. It is extremely exciting technology and these results show that in men diagnosed early by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood testing, this targeted therapy could be as effective as surgery to remove the whole prostate gland or radiotherapy and cause far fewer side effects,” said study co-author Tim Dudderidge. The findings were presented at an annual meeting of the European Association of Urology in Munich, Germany. A British clinical trial funded by the Medical Research Council has also found that 95 percent of patients who underwent HIFU therapy for prostate cancer remained cancer-free at 12 months after the treatment. The researchers also found that none of the respondents suffered urinary incontinence during the follow-up period. Another sound wave innovation to watch out for Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have developed a new technique that uses focused sound waves to activate minute particles known as nanodroplets. According to the researchers, the new technique was as accurate as using needles in biopsy. “With a little bit of ultrasound energy, nanodroplets phase-change into microbubbles. That’s important because ultrasound can really oscillate these microbubbles. The microbubbles absorb of the ultrasound energy and then act like boxing gloves to punch the tumor cells and knock little vesicles off. That led us to detect some genes that were indicative of the aggressiveness of the tumour. That’s potentially very powerful. You can get a genetic characterization of the tumour, but do it relatively non-invasively,” said engineering professor Roger Zemp. The findings were published in the journal Cancer Research. Find more news on medical discoveries at Sources: Previous :Cough medicines and lozenges are loaded with refined sugars that increase blood sugar levels 1,010Views Fuel the Life You Want With Noni, the Pacific's Ultimate Superfruit The best-kept superfood secret of the Pacific islands is out. Noni superfruit offers a spectrum of nutrients that support healthy memory, fight oxidation, aid post-workout recovery, and support robust health. Health Ranger Select Noni Fruit Powder contains the same nutrients and minerals found in fresh noni fruit, with no additives or preservatives. Just stir it into your smoothie, protein shake, or yogurt for a powerful health boost. IN STOCK, SHIPPING TODAY. CLICK HERE TO ORDER. Join the Health Ranger's FREE email newsletter Get breaking news alerts on GMOs, fluoride, superfoods, natural cures and more... Your privacy is protected. Unsubscribe at any time. | Learn more... More news on alternative cancer treatment Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves Are walnuts the key to fighting prostate cancer? Researchers think so Researchers: Fasting can kill cancer cells in common childhood leukemia Natural Allopathic medicine: the power to heal and cure cancer Frankincense essential oil is more effective at destroying cancer cells than Chemo Disqus Take Action: Support Natural News by linking to this article from your website Permalink to this article: Embed article link: (copy HTML code below): Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves Reprinting this article: Non-commercial use OK, cite with clickable link. 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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Eric Raines Energy Update

Galactic Connection Eric Raines Energy Update (3/27/2017) Posted by Madeline | Mar 29, 2017 | 2017, Ascension, Daily Blog | 0 | Eric Raines Energy Update (3/27/2017) Unleashing Natural Humanity Unleashing Natural Humanity Facebook A very interesting development took place today around 12PM Pacific time. A massive false light matrix was extricated from the planetary surface, with connections to the moon, as well as Saturn being dissolved. This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. The Earth’s moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both physically and etherically, and the orbit was locked into a non rotating Lagrange point, locking the energy of the manipulated satellite into the Earth’s etheric and gravemetric/magnetic fields. Once locked in place, an artificial vortex was induced, siphoning everything in the astral with the resonance of Source into this vast reincarnation machine. The result was if anyone on the surface of the planet died, their soul would not be able to escape this energetic vortex’s “gravity” and they would be pulled into controlled lower layers of the astral, where preconditioned religious beliefs would dictate into which simulation they were placed in. After a period of rest, the persons “guides” would inform them that they have more lessons to learn, deeds undone and more things to accomplish planet-side, and the soul will blindly step into another incarnation. The only problem being that they are zapped with an extremely strong etheric, nuclear, and electric blast before they incarnate, thus forgetting everything they learned before stepping into the human experience again. Once in amnesia, the Matrix programming creates more than enough trauma to slip the etheric implantation systems into the body, and the cycle of feeding begins anew until the person dies, reincarnates, is fed upon, dies, reincarnates, etc…. Here is the major difference today. With the removal of this false light matrix, the vortex is no longer operating. Let me repeat this. THE VORTEX IS NO LONGER OPERATING. People are dying every second around the planet, and instead of being pulled into this tunnel, they are finding the highest, cleanest levels of the astral and are receiving true healing. They are coming back in already. The children that will be born from here on out are going to change the face of this planet energetically. This is a line in the sand. The dark is slipping faster than they ever have before, and now….now they cannot replenish the ranks of their “food”. We can come back in remembering much more, if not everything. This does not even encompass what is happening with Saturn right now. Saturn is how the dark has locked us inside of time. Saturn is the loop in the endless flow of now. Saturn is how we even experience time like we do, instead of multi-dimensionally. The machinery is still working, but the major timeline incursion abilities are no longer functional. The dark can no longer reach back into time and remove threats as they pop up in the now. No longer will the next person to wake up and shatter the Matrix around them be eliminated by going and killing their parents 20 years before they were born. No longer will someone manifest their perfect reality, only to wake up completely disoriented from an incredibly vivid dream that they felt they were in for years. No longer will someone download how to develop a free energy device, only to have all of their work stolen seemingly from nowhere, with no clues or hints given to the world outside on what they were developing. Channelers around the world are going to connect into their “guide” and find nothing, or actually find the entity they connected to begin with before being hijacked. Men, women, and children across the planet are stepping into their divine right of freedom and personal sovereignty, but we still do not have enough. These developments are amazing, and they are nice to hear what is going on, but we do not have enough of the surface population turning on the light. We came here to do this job. We came here completely blind, ignorant, and weak to remember the light, find it in ourselves, and spread it to the world around us. YOU are part of this shift! When was the last time you sat in stillness and connected into you? When was the last time you stretched your body, letting it know through words and feelings, that you truly love and appreciate it for carrying you through this reality? When was the last time you turned off the phone, closed the computer, and sat in stillness with just your thoughts? When was the last time you had a question, and immediately thought about, “What does this person think about this?” without going into the stillness within and asking the most important question? “How do I feel about this?” When was the last time you trusted yourself? The shift is coming. We ARE the shift. Go inside. Find the light. Turn it on and spread it out to the world. Shine through yourself, filling your body with pure golden waves of love. See humanity for what it is, not what it appears to be. It is coming, there is no getting away from this shift. Lets bring it on as fast and as powerfully as possible. The lines are stretching. The inner circles of this esoteric information are growing. People “asleep” at the wheel are finding this information and the sleepers are beginning to awaken. Your job is to be a beacon so they can find you. In love, Eric HT: Ascending Starseed Share: Rate: 12345 PreviousGunshots Heard On Capitol Hill as Security Orders Everyone Off the Street [VIDEO] Help Galactic Connection Thrive Are You A Guardian? Click Here For More Information Unplug From The Matrix! Remove Your Controlling Implants! 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The Daily Blog page operates under a Creative Commons license. Information from our Daily Blog page may be re-distributed as long as proper attribution to the author and direction to their original content is provided. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you. Privacy Policy By subscribing to you acknowledge that your name and e-mail address will be added to our database. As with all other personal information, only working affiliates of have access to this data. We do not give addresses to outside companies, nor will we ever rent or sell your email address. Any e-mail you send to is completely confidential. Therefore, we will not add your name to our e-mail list without your permission. Continue reading... Galactic Connection 2016 | Design & Development by AA at Superluminal Systems

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Liberation of Planet Earth

 Like Tweet Pin +1 in  The Liberation of Planet Earth by James Gilliland March 26, 2017 As many are feeling the impact of what is happening in their daily lives, very few know the source. It is like the world has gone mad yet the world has always been mad. People are now becoming more aware of it. The rabbit hole is a place few dare to venture, and the deeper one goes they have two choices: total denial and stay with the status quo or brutal honesty; which also means they have been willing participants in a very sick and twisted world, some knowingly, some unknowingly.  Almost everything the societal engineers and programmers have told you is wrong. Your history you have been taught is wrong. Your religions have failed miserably to bring inner and world peace as well as a closer connection to God. This includes many new age philosophies - which have also been usurped and compromised. Your politicians have become self serving and failed to protect your basic human rights, help the planet evolve and live in harmony with each other and the Earth. The schools have failed to educate the children concerning their divine heritage, moral values, higher ideals, cooperation verses competition, and critical innovative thinking. The science in most schools is for the better part barbaric; some teaching Darwinism - random mutation totally unsupported in the fossil record. Others are teaching a singular God with a beard created the heavens and the Earth in 6 days. "Of course the Earth is 6000 years old", rather than the 7.5 billion with extremely advanced civilizations going back more the 600 million years. We have not evolved much beyond the be lie f it is flat. By the way, I have flown around the Earth, never saw an edge? "The chain of succession" mainstream archaeologists and scientists would like us to swallow is there has been a progressive evolution from Apes to modern man. This is despite the fact that ancient builder races built stone monuments that cannot be duplicated to this day by modern methods. They are built upon leylines; which in many cases have even older ruins beneath them. Let's not mention the star gates and wormholes left behind - that’s "conspiracy stuff" certain agencies don’t want us talking about. Most doctors have become businessmen and drug pushers: ignoring many of the cures for most diseases, altogether ignoring preventative measures and dietary options. Food should be your medicine and what has happened to the food industry? This is all by design. It is all interconnected and governed by an ancient force that has suppressed, "genocided", and enslaved humanity even longer than your recorded history. When you climb the ladder of power, position and wealth in “every” institution it gets darker and more corrupt - leading into unseen negative entities, energies and forces most would find unimaginable. There is a Great War, transdimensional in nature, occurring as we speak. Most are just seeing the physical, social and economic aspects of it. When you understand the vibrational continuum, you will understand the participants in this Great War. Everything begins in consciousness then lowered into light, followed by energy and eventually becoming mass. There are different dimensions and each dimension holds a frequency. The highest frequencies are Pure Unconditional Love, Joy and Bliss. Characteristics like service to others, practicing kindness and love, operating in alignment with Universal Law; which basically are adhering to principles necessary for a healthy civilization and environment. Principles like Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, individual Freedom and Prosperity for All are all within Universal Law. These higher planes of existence that adhere to Universal Law are pressing hard upon the Earth. Everything of a lower frequency must rise and heal, be released or implode, transform or collapse. This is the simplistic view of what is unfolding yet it is much more complicated.  Until this point, the Earth has been governed by the controllers, some call enslavers. They have created a grid partially with technology and also with societal programming what many call social consciousness. If you are not part of social consciousness you will be punished, ostracized or even killed in extreme cases. Societal programming is done by the media and religious, political and business institutions. They are governed at the highest level by unseen negative influences often referred to as "the controllers". The controllers can be demonic, degenerate aliens and fallen ones obsessed with power over others. In the lower levels it is those who lust for power, wealth, fame some of whom have sold their souls to get it. This falls into the Satan worshiping, blood sacrifice rituals, pedophiles etc.; which are now being exposed and finally dealt with. This consciousness is not frequency specific to the awakening and healing process now underway. Thus their days are numbered which is creating much of the chaos the planet is now experiencing. The swamp will be drained - yet do not be so naïve to think there is just one level other than the physical to deal with. We are all living in the swamp to one degree or another and with brutal honesty we have to look at how deeply we are submerged. Most resist change and fear the unknown. This is something we are all going to have to let go of. We need to make the unknown known and learn to flow with the changes. Now considering the fact that almost all institutions have failed miserably why continue with them? ▪ The religions have failed miserably to bring Universal Peace and a closer connection to God. In fact they have in most cases been used to demonize others and promote war. ▪ The defense industry in truth should be named the "offence industry" having been used in the past by the corporate elite as their brute squad. ▪ The "Just us" system, The EPA, the FDA other alphabet agencies are all operating in opposition to their mandate. How does any of this serve humanity and the Earth? There is a corporate elite who’s lust for power and wealth is insatiable - making windfall profits at the expense of humanity and the Earth. They are the puppets of unseen negative entities that care nothing for humanity and the Earth - in fact many feed off the pain and misery. Inhuman acts are done by non humans or humans in most cases programmed by or under the influence of non humans. These nonhumans and their puppets are the source for all the pain, suffering, and destruction of Earth. They are at war with the Creator and all Creation. The Creator is omnipresent within all Creation. So the 60 million dollar question is - are you human? Are you walking your talk with impeccable integrity? How deeply entrenched in the swamp are you? How much of the societal programming have you accepted to be your reality? Do you even know there is a swamp? Does a fish know its in water if that is all it has known? Does it ever get thirsty? If the fish was in kool-aide how much of the kool-aide can it drink before it becomes deadly? How do you feel about those living above the swamp? How do you feel about the boat rockers, the swamp drainers? How about the pioneers, free thinkers, whistle blowers those that rock your boat and your comfort zones? Those that know a higher path - one that is sustainable unlike the course we are presently on? Did you know there are those on high that view the Earth as a failed experiment and want to wipe the slate clean and start over as has happened in the past? There are also those who are trying arduously to defend this civilization; which is almost indefensible. Especially when it comes to adhering to Universal Law. The puppet masters and the elite have been given an ultimatum: Either shift the power back to the people, stop the enslavement through dependency, the gross uneven dispersal of wealth, the wars and destruction of the environment or a reset will occur. You will loose everything and there will be no place to hide. The ultimatum included their underground bases, going into space and colonies on other planets. Now that ultimatum is being enforced. The psychopaths even at their own demise refused. Most of their underground bases have been destroyed. Their ships were also sent back limping to the planet. Their allies, the negative ETs have also been for the most part eliminated. Their grid - draconian in nature and supported by technology and social programming - is being dismantled. Not all at once: most people could not handle the shock. This is the chaos now and the chaos to come. The individual and collective impact will be directly related to the choices and actions taken individually and collectively. The 5th dimension is here, all that which does not resonate with it and is not frequency specific will not continue on the Earth because the Earth has chosen to ascend. You cannot pass the barrier into the 5th dimension unless you have an open mind, loving heart and pure intent. This is also the prerequisite for contact with the Spiritually and Technologically advanced Off Worlders, Ascended Masters and those advanced beings within the Inner Earth.  credit - The intellect is a drop in the sea of consciousness. The emotional body and spiritual bodies are far superior. Those trapped in the intellect will not far well in this transition. Nature does not care about your be lie fs. Will they feed you, clothe you, keep you warm? Love is not in the intellect. Neither will one find God through the intellect or happiness. Material objects do not possess emotions. If you attach your emotions to material objects what happens when they fade or leave as they always eventually do. What happens when that shinny new car you attached your self worth to gets smashed or stolen? What happens when the people you attached your love joy and happiness to leave you? What if through the heart you could make your own personal connection with God, Great Spirit, Creator? What if you become love, joy, find total acceptance and appreciation within? What would happen to seeking, leaking your energy like a battery, how self empowering would that be - to go within and find yourself? The true self - not the social programmed self. You would be free, you will look around you and ask do I really need all this stuff? Do I want to surround myself with what now feel to be zombies? Do I really want to be part of this herd and is this herd sustainable? Am I frequency specific to my surroundings or do I need to make a change? Am I being supported and fed spiritually? Then, sadly, most will wake up in the morning, go to their cubicles and fall right back into the herd of zombie consumers. Yet some will not. Those are the ones we are looking for.  Be Well, James Gilliland ECETI Official YouTube Channel Instagram You have my permission to send this far and wide.     ©2017 Enlightened Contact with Extra Terrastrial Intelligence | 1767 12th street box 232, Hood River, Or [97031]  Web Version Forward Unsubscribe Powered by Mad Mimi® A GoDaddy® company

Healthcare bill defeated: the world ends

      Healthcare bill defeated: the world ends (To read about Jon's mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.) Healthcare bill defeated: the world ends By Jon Rappoport Reuters: "In the past few years, the House has voted more than 60 times to repeal or alter Obamacare, but Republicans had no hope a repeal would become law as long as Obama was president and could veto their bills." But now that the new version of national health insurance has failed to pass in Congress ONCE, well, according to press accounts, obviously the world is over. Mountains are falling into the sea. An asteroid just struck the Pacific Ocean. And oh yes, Trump is finished. On top of the world ending, there is this: no one seems to know exactly what is in the new bill that just failed; Congress had to pass it to read it. NEW HEALTHCARE BILL WHICH NO ONE HAS READ FAILS TO PASS; WORLD ENDS. This lunacy is one of a string of lunacies since Trump was elected. If you believe the press, his reign has already ended a hundred times. It ended when somebody said somebody else had proof Trump desecrated a hotel room in Russia where Obama once stayed. It ended when Michael Flynn talked to a Russian on the phone. It ended when Trump allowed a few non-mainstream reporters into press conferences, and it ended when he excluded a few mainstream reporters from a press gaggle. It ended when a judge, ruling on behalf of all America, decided Trump's EO limiting immigration should be temporarily suspended. It ended when the CIA implied Trump was a Russian agent. It ended when somebody on The View said he should be impeached. Of course, it had already ended, during the campaign, when George Clooney said Trump would never become president, and when Alec Baldwin said he hated Trump. It ended when Hillary "won" the first debate. Since the attention span of half of America is about as long as a kitten's, all beginnings and endings must happen very quickly. There is no time to waste. "Isn't Hillary the president now? Didn't we already have another election? Isn't Trump in prison? Hasn't global warming taken away the coastline of America?" Trump must be out of the White House by now and in handcuffs, because Twitter has had a hundred thousand tweets demanding it. The final judgement. Newspapers and broadcast networks are fighting over who can assess Congress' failure to pass a new healthcare bill as the greatest possible humiliation for Trump. Other reasons why Trump is toast: James Comey, head of the FBI, came to the White House to talk to Trump, for reasons as yet unclear. Trump's wife didn't immediately move into the White House after the inauguration. Trump shuttles between the Oval office and Trump Towers. Rioters smashed cars, lit fires, and threw rocks through store windows in Berkeley. Mexican officials say they won't pay for The Wall. Trump hasn't yet brought five million new jobs back to America. He hasn't cut taxes yet. The stock market, riding on new highs, dipped in the last few days. The press isn't pounding on Trump's new Goldman Sachs appointees in his administration---which would be real reason to worry. They aren't pounding on his failure to bring any American troops home from overseas. They aren't pounding on his plan to gut environmental safety rules to protect genuine corporate polluters. They aren't pounding on his plan to speed up FDA approval of new (toxic) drugs. And of course, they express no joy at his proposed budget, which would slash US funds for that diabolical self-styled world government on the East Side of Manhattan, the United Nations; which would slash even more billions doled out to those self-styled princes of medicine at the National Institutes of Health, where the vaunted (toxic) War on Cancer has been failing for decades. Nor is there a scintilla of support for his possible investigation of vaccine safety. But mixed bags aren't permitted. Trump must either be the messiah or the devil, after two months in office. We must already decide to what precise degree he is a Nationalist, a Globalist, or a neocon. The word must be final. As I've pointed out on these pages, I admire Trump for three reasons: Hillary Clinton, arch-Globalist and destroyer of Libya, isn't president; Trump is relentless in attacking fake-news mainstream media; and whether sincere or not, his anti-Globalist message has awakened untold numbers of people to the fact that the enemy is trying to destroy this country and fold it into a single planetary management system. Other than that, everything is up for grabs. Many months ago, I said he should establish his own avenue of direct communication with the American people, via the Web, where he makes several reports a week on the content and progress of his agenda; and where he can receive feedback from the people who elected him. So far, there is no sign of that happening. It's a major mistake. If he is going to circumvent the media who are trying to destroy him at every turn, he needs to talk often to those millions who want genuine freedom and prosperity. If he's going to dump the media, DUMP THEM. If Trump is going to be an embattled president as long as he's in the White House, then he should take the battle all the way. That's a rule. If you're going to go up against the establishment and the Deep State (and not just pretend you are), then GO. Don't hold back. If that means you fail to pass one significant piece of legislation, if that means your whole agenda falls flat, so be it. Explain why it's falling flat. Tell the American people who is trying to stop it. Name names. Report frequently and in detail what is happening in The Swamp. The people who desire freedom and prosperity for America; who are sick and tired of foreign wars and endless enemies; who want to smash Rockefeller "free trade"; who know the system is rigged; who know the military-industrial complex is a mad leech sucking on the soul of America; who never wanted collectivism; who believe in striving for what they earn; who refuse to embrace psychotic political correctness; who want to limit immigration because they see its effects; who know wide open borders isn't a utopian "share-and-care" policy, but instead is a grand Globalist deception meant to sow chaos within our borders, making it easier to incorporate the US under "international governance"; who know banksters (including the private Federal Reserve) are stealing us blind; who know climate change is pseudoscience intended to choke off national energy production and torpedo the economy; who, yes, want to stop egregious corporate polluters from getting away with murder---all these people want a president who is on their side and will go the distance, who will keep them informed every step of the way, who will invent his own media outlet to do it... Note to Trump: There is a difference between appointing an administration filled with people who know how the inside game is played, and surrounding yourself with people who fully intend to keep playing that game. Washington DC is not just a swamp. It's a den of obstructionists and parasites and thieves and liars and traitors and killers who have risen up through the ranks and guard their positions with venomous determination. What America has become is of no concern to them. They already live in a world of crime. An underworld. They are satisfied to be there. It's what they fervently want. Dislodging all THAT is a voyage of a lifetime. Many lifetimes. Overcoming THAT is an enterprise of extreme radicalism. The more radical (and thus honorable) a president can be, even if he fails to plant one definitive flag of policy-victory during his tenure, because of his enemies, the greater the chance of ultimate victory. Victory would require a string of radical presidents, and a population willing and eager to support them. Nothing less. The people who rallied behind Trump want something more than a few wins on the scoreboard. Many of those people once rallied behind another man, Ron Paul, who is far more radical than Trump. They rallied behind Paul in great numbers, and the media giants cut him off at the knees and excluded him from having a voice, once it became apparent how far he wanted to go. The word "radical" comes from the Latin, meaning "root." As in championing the root of life, which is liberty. As in digging up the root of corruption and destroying it. This goes beyond the art of the deal. It goes beyond clever maneuvering. The people who are truly for freedom and prosperity and honor must understand THEY themselves are the driving force, whether the man in the White House is with them all the way or not. That movement must not end. Ever.   Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.  Jon Rappoport The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.  You can find this article and more at      No More Fake News, Encinitas, Encinitas, CA 92024 SafeUnsubscribe™ Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with  Try it free today 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Vitamin C Breakthrough discovery Low'cost neutrient that halts the growth of stem cells........100 % more effective than cancer drug

ARTICLES BLOGS LABS SCIENCE REFERENCE REPORTS VIDEOS RADIO INFOGRAPHICS MUSIC CARTOONS LIBRARY RSS STORE Search Powered by Vitamin C breakthrough discovery: Low-cost nutrient halts growth of cancer stem cells… 1000% more effective than cancer drug… peer-reviewed science confirms powerful effects Wednesday, March 22, 2017 by: Mike Adams Tags: ascorbic acid, breakthrough, cancer, cancer prevention, complementary medicine, scientific research, Stem cells, vitamin C 18KViews Image: Vitamin C breakthrough discovery: Low-cost nutrient halts growth of cancer stem cells… 1000% more effective than cancer drug… peer-reviewed science confirms powerful effects (Natural News) An exciting medical breakthrough published in the science journal Oncotarget has discovered the astonishing ability of concentrated vitamin C to halt the growth of cancer tumor stem cells. The study, conducted at the University of Salford in Manchester — (see full text of the study at this link) — tested the impact on cancer stem cell metabolism for seven substances: Three natural substances, including vitamin C Three experimental pharmaceuticals One clinical drug currently in widespread use The study’s astonishing results reveal “the first evidence that Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can be used to target and kill cancer stem cells (CSCs), the cells responsible for fuelling fatal tumours,” reports the flagship science publisher Alpha Galileo. Vitamin C found to work up to 10 times better than a cancer pharmaceutical Led by Michael P. Lisanti and Gloria Bonuccelli, the study results astonished researchers when it found that vitamin C worked up to 10 times better than a pharmaceutical cancer drug at interfering with cancer stem cell metabolism, effectively shutting down cancer tumors’ ability to process cellular energy for survival and growth. “Vitamin C is cheap, natural, non-toxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step,” said Dr. Michael P. Lisanti, Professor of Translational Medicine at the University of Salford, in the Alpha Galileo summary of his research. It goes on to report: Vitamin C has previously been shown to be effective as a non-toxic anti-cancer agent in studies by Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling and was recently shown to reduce mortality by 25% on breast cancer patients in Japan. However, its effects on CSC activity have not been previously evaluated and in this context, it behaves as an inhibitor of glycolysis, which fuels energy production in mitochondria, the “powerhouse” of the cell. Great promise for IV vitamin C therapy as a complementary or alternative cancer treatment Don’t believe doctors who smugly claim vitamin C has no ability to treat cancer. While the potency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) used in the study is more than what could be achieved by eating oranges or other vitamin C-rich foods, the high concentration of the powerful nutrient could be achieved through intravenous (IV) therapy. IV vitamin C therapy is readily available in some “alternative” cancer clinics throughout the world, and this research breakthrough could lead to more clinical trials that might one day see vitamin C used more widely throughout complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). If these results had been attributed to a patented Big Pharma chemical, it would be heralded as a “miracle cancer drug” breakthrough. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the medical establishment to celebrate this discovery… vitamin C can’t be patented, and it’s incredibly inexpensive, meaning there’s no financial incentive for any cancer clinic to promote vitamin C when they can make far more money off the profits of chemotherapy. The original study, published in Oncotarget at this link, concludes that “Vitamin C was ~10 times more potent than 2-DG for the targeting of CSCs.” (2-DG refers to an experimental cancer pharmaceutical, and CSC refers to Cancer Stem Cells.) Read the full HTML text of the study at this link. New science once again proves “skeptics” are hopelessly ignorant when it comes to advanced medicine Not surprisingly, to this day, drug-pushing science “skeptics” continue to ridiculously claim that vitamin C has no medicinal use whatsoever and that only chemotherapy can treat cancer, not nutritional therapies. Even the science writers in the fake science media — NYT, CNN, Washington Post, etc. — seem to have no knowledge whatsoever of nutritional therapies for cancer, diabetes, heart disease or other chronic conditions. It just goes to show you how incredibly ignorant and even nutritionally illiterate the medical “status quo” remains in our pharma-dominated world where profits are far more important to medicine than actually helping people overcome cancer. Learn more about natural remedies for cancer at, and stay informed about scientifically validated cancer solutions at Previous :The BIG LIE upon which all government is founded Next : TED Talks parody video exposes the total bulls##t of TED-fabricated “thought leaders” who spew pseudoknowledge pretending to be “big ideas” 18KViews Give your joints a boost with Chief Organics MSM Want to give your body the building blocks it needs to support healthy joints, tendons, skin, and hair? Chief Organics MSM is the answer. By giving your body a dose of pure, unadulterated MSM -- including dietary sulfur -- you'll do everything you can to ensure that your joints and connective tissues have the sulfur they need. Chief Organics MSM also helps reduce oxidative stress in the body while supporting healthy skin, hair and nails. IN STOCK, SHIPPING TODAY. CLICK HERE TO ORDER. Join the Health Ranger's FREE email newsletter Get breaking news alerts on GMOs, fluoride, superfoods, natural cures and more... Your privacy is protected. Unsubscribe at any time. | Learn more... More news on ascorbic acid Vitamin C breakthrough discovery: Low-cost nutrient halts growth of cancer stem cells… 1000% more effective than cancer drug… peer-reviewed science confirms powerful effects About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on, an environmental scientist, publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science to current events. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at: Diaspora: (uncensored social network) Vimeo: Podcasts: Online store: #1 Bestselling Science Book Food Forensics: Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Youtube: G+ SoundCloud: Health Ranger’s science lab Health Ranger bio Search engine: Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. Adams is a person of color whose descendants include Africans and American Indians. He is of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his “Health Ranger” passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution. Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world’s first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books. In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products. In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories. With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies. Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed “strange fibers” found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health “gurus,” dangerous “detox” products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics. Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness. In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over fifteen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics. Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at Disqus Take Action: Support Natural News by linking to this article from your website Permalink to this article: Embed article link: (copy HTML code below): Vitamin C breakthrough discovery: Low-cost nutrient halts growth of cancer stem cells… 1000% more effective than cancer drug… peer-reviewed science confirms powerful effects Reprinting this article: Non-commercial use OK, cite with clickable link. Follow Natural News on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest Most Viewed Articles Today Week Month Year Vitamin C breakthrough discovery: Low-cost nutrient halts growth of cancer stem cells… 1000% more effective than cancer drug… peer-reviewed science confirms powerful effects - Coincidence? Monsanto patented glyphosate as an “antibiotic” drug, claiming weed killer is medicine - The BIG LIE upon which all government is founded - Chemotherapy kills far more Americans than all acts of war, suicide and terrorism combined WARNING: Sugar destroys your body’s ability to absorb these 5 essential nutrients - Mind-blowing math animation explains why stock market wealth is an ILLUSION that vanishes in a crash - Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes Dental dangers - How to protect your health - Heartbreaking letter from dying EPA scientist begs Monsanto “moles” inside the agency to stop lying about dangers of RoundUp (glyphosate) - TED Talks parody video exposes the total bulls##t of TED-fabricated “thought leaders” who spew pseudoknowledge pretending to be “big ideas” - Judge allows preposterous “Pink Slime” lawsuit to move forward against ABC - Trump to take on Big Pharma and get the healthcare industry back to treatment rather than profiteering - Thousands of people now have non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma due to glyphosate (Roundup) exposure, warns legal firm that’s suing Monsanto - Alert: Sneaky GMO labeling to hit shelves by summer, 2018 - How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption Panic attacks, anxiety linked to low vitamin B and iron levels: Study Mandatory vaccine push by Big Pharma tied to Australian Prime Minister’s wife - BIOSLUDGE BREW? California brewery now making beer out of recycled human sewage water… for real - Popular on Facebook 16K Indian state will pay farmers to go 100% organic and GMO-free 12K Study: Manuka honey kills more bacteria than all available antibiotics 10K Washington Post goes “full treason” – fabricates entire story falsely claiming Trump won because of Russian hacks 8K US Court of Appeals: States and counties can ban GMO crops despite federal laws 6K The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good 6K Trump allowed Black homeless woman to live in Trump Tower for 8 years, rent free 4K In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler arrested and executed ‘fake news’ journalists who rightfully claimed that Jews were being exterminated 3K Facebook rolls out plans to push GMOs by labeling anti-GMO stories ‘fake’ news 3K Food companies hiding harmful high fructose corn syrup under new name 3K Standing Rock victory in North Dakota as US Army Corps of Engineers revokes pipeline permits 3K TREASON: Left-wing media attempting a “soft coup” in America by hyperventilating over self-contrived Russian conspiracy fabrication 3K Russian hack narrative revealed to be elaborate media hoax… email leaks actually came from Bernie Sanders insider 3K Facebook to become left-wing propaganda echo chamber with Orwellian plan to label independent journalism “fake” 3K Scam: No trace of Aloe Vera found in products at Walmart, CVS 2K Will President Trump dismantle dangerous vaccine mandates that harm children across America? 2K Medical scientists stunned as “magic mushroom” treatment found to heal mental illness… yet it remains illegal 2K Protesters at Dakota Pipeline have noticed unidentified crop dusters spraying chemicals over them late at night 2K Top doctors reveal that vaccines can trigger autoimmunity, turning our immune systems against us Health News WARNING: Sugar destroys your body's ability to absorb these 5 essential nutrients ( - 8 Hours Ago Thousands of people now have non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma due to glyphosate (Roundup) exposure, warns legal firm that's suing Monsanto ( - 8 Hours Ago Fake weed: Why does government marijuana look so weird? ( - 8 Hours Ago BIOSLUDGE BREW? California brewery now making beer out of recycled human sewage water... for real ( - 8 Hours Ago Zika hysteria spreads to sperm donors as CDC orders halt to donations in three Florida counties where Zika has done virtually nothing ( - 8 Hours Ago Why Attorney General Jeff Sessions is wrong on marijuana ( - 8 Hours Ago The independent news source for free-thinking people Search for more articles like this one at - the search engine for news and information. Talk Radio without corporate collusion Now streaming: 28 amazing hosts like the Health Ranger, Robert Scott Bell and more Find the up-to-date news you're looking for at Fetch.News Find articles on today's most searched keywords & topics. Uncensored Health Videos Visit for uncensored videos for a healthier and happier life Vaccine News Real-time Independent Media news on Vaccines GMO News Real-time Independent Media news on GMOs Read Archived NaturalNews Stories Natural News Toolbar Privacy Policy Terms of Use About Us Contact Us/Feedback Write for Natural News Media Information Advertise Information Follow Us Email Newsletter Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest YouTube Diaspora Seen RSS Apple iOS app Android app on Google Play eTrust Pro Certified This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2016 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published here. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The real goal of Mainstream is to SURPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge

ARTICLES BLOGS LABS SCIENCE REFERENCE REPORTS VIDEOS RADIO INFOGRAPHICS MUSIC CARTOONS LIBRARY RSS STORE  Search Search Powered by The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge Monday, March 20, 2017 by: Mike Adams Tags: awakening, Censorship, consciousness, indictrination, mainstream media 8,780 VIEWS   (Natural News) The real goal of the corporate-run media is to suppress human knowledge and prevent a mass awakening of humanity. The corporate-run media is not about informing, uplifting or educating humanity. It’s not about connecting you with important world events or bringing you insightful analysis on finance, medicine, technology, politics, science or the environment. Instead, the corporate-run media is all about distracting you from the things that matter while indoctrinating you with falsehoods that have no basis in factual reality. The sinister agenda behind all this is to keep humanity dumbed down, scientifically illiterate, and cognitively redirected away from anything that might lead to greater awakening or freedom to think. The mainstream media, in other words, is the soma drug of the modern era, designed to numb your brain, retract your senses, assault your curiosity and ridicule your awakening. The programming by the media is intended to mandate your obedience, conformity and intellectual homogeneity. It’s all under the umbrella of “info-poisoning” which is a far more dangerous assault on your psyche than even the threat of chemical pesticides on your brain. Yet those chemical assaults also exist in the form of prescription medications, mercury in vaccines, aluminum in the food supply and pesticides on your lawn. It’s a full-on assault against your consciousness, your mind and your freedom to think. And it’s being waged every day by CNN, NYT, WashPo, MSNBC and other freedom-crushing propaganda outlets for the simple reason that the most dangerous thing in the world (to the status quo) is an individual who can think for herself. I’ve explained this in more detail in my Health Ranger Report podcast. Listen below and share everywhere (also check out the We Are Change video below, which explains how the Huffington Post fakes the news…)     Previous : ACTION: “National Call-In Day” announced for vaccine safety and reform: March 30th Next : Mind-blowing math animation explains why stock market wealth is an ILLUSION that vanishes in a crash 8,780 VIEWS Buy One Get One 50% Off Sale (48 hours only) We're reorganizing our warehouse and making room for new spring arrivals, which means you can take advantage of great discounts on some of our best-selling products. Our Buy 1 get 1 half off deals include our Chief Organics Whey Protein Line, Organic Hand-Roasted Coffee, Organic Hemp Juvenate, and many more of our customers' favorite products. We've also lauched our COQ10-infused Oleomed products; just use the discount code Oleomed10 for 10 percent off introductory offer. OFFER ENDS 3/23/2017 AT 10AM CST. SHOP NOW!  JOIN THE HEALTH RANGER'S FREE EMAIL NEWSLETTER Get breaking news alerts on GMOs, fluoride, superfoods, natural cures and more...  Enter your email address here...  Your privacy is protected. Unsubscribe at any time. | Learn more... More news on awakening The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on, an environmental scientist, publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science to current events. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at: Diaspora: (uncensored social network) Vimeo: Podcasts: Online store: #1 Bestselling Science Book Food Forensics: Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Youtube: G+ SoundCloud: Health Ranger’s science lab Health Ranger bio Search engine: Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. Adams is a person of color whose descendants include Africans and American Indians. He is of Native American heritage, which he credits as inspiring his “Health Ranger” passion for protecting life and nature against the destruction caused by chemicals, heavy metals and other forms of pollution. Adams is the founder and publisher of the open source science journal Natural Science Journal, the author of numerous peer-reviewed science papers published by the journal, and the author of the world’s first book that published ICP-MS heavy metals analysis results for foods, dietary supplements, pet food, spices and fast food. The book is entitled Food Forensics and is published by BenBella Books. In his laboratory research, Adams has made numerous food safety breakthroughs such as revealing rice protein products imported from Asia to be contaminated with toxic heavy metals like lead, cadmium and tungsten. Adams was the first food science researcher to document high levels of tungsten in superfoods. He also discovered over 11 ppm lead in imported mangosteen powder, and led an industry-wide voluntary agreement to limit heavy metals in rice protein products. In addition to his lab work, Adams is also the (non-paid) executive director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (CWC), an organization that redirects 100% of its donations receipts to grant programs that teach children and women how to grow their own food or vastly improve their nutrition. Through the non-profit CWC, Adams also launched Nutrition Rescue, a program that donates essential vitamins to people in need. Click here to see some of the CWC success stories. With a background in science and software technology, Adams is the original founder of the email newsletter technology company known as Arial Software. Using his technical experience combined with his love for natural health, Adams developed and deployed the content management system currently driving He also engineered the high-level statistical algorithms that power, a massive research resource featuring over 10 million scientific studies. Adams is well known for his incredibly popular consumer activism video blowing the lid on fake blueberries used throughout the food supply. He has also exposed “strange fibers” found in Chicken McNuggets, fake academic credentials of so-called health “gurus,” dangerous “detox” products imported as battery acid and sold for oral consumption, fake acai berry scams, the California raw milk raids, the vaccine research fraud revealed by industry whistleblowers and many other topics. Adams has also helped defend the rights of home gardeners and protect the medical freedom rights of parents. Adams is widely recognized to have made a remarkable global impact on issues like GMOs, vaccines, nutrition therapies, human consciousness. In addition to his activism, Adams is an accomplished musician who has released over fifteen popular songs covering a variety of activism topics. Click here to read a more detailed bio on Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, at   Disqus  Take Action: Support Natural News by linking to this article from your website Permalink to this article: Embed article link: (copy HTML code below):  The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge Reprinting this article: Non-commercial use OK, cite with clickable link. Follow Natural News on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Pinterest Most Viewed Articles Today Week Month Year How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption Mind-blowing math animation explains why stock market wealth is an ILLUSION that vanishes in a crash - SILENT KILLER: Smart meters are destroying your health - Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge - Nuclear engineer says Fukushima is "as close to hell as I can imagine,” contamination will linger for decades - VACCINE STUDY: Peer-reviewed study shows vaccinated children have a 700% higher chance of neurodevelopmental disorder - Coincidence? Monsanto patented glyphosate as an “antibiotic” drug, claiming weed killer is medicine - Heartbreaking letter from dying EPA scientist begs Monsanto “moles” inside the agency to stop lying about dangers of RoundUp (glyphosate) - Question: what is trisodium phosphate and what is it doing in our food? Pro-vaccine study finds that flu shots barely work at all in people over age 50 - Mandatory vaccine push by Big Pharma tied to Australian Prime Minister’s wife - Massive ocean DIE OFF foreshadows the era of global human population collapse - How to find water in the city after a collapse - Information released about Google’s mishandling of public health data is horrifying - Fluoridated water found to be a factor in the development of ADHD - If carbon dioxide is so bad for the planet, why do greenhouse growers buy CO2 generators to double plant growth? Countless teenage girls suffer paralysis, blood clots, brain damage and chronic pain from force-vaccination of Gardasil’s HPV “shot in the dark” - Popular on Facebook 16K Indian state will pay farmers to go 100% organic and GMO-free 12K Study: Manuka honey kills more bacteria than all available antibiotics 10K Washington Post goes “full treason” – fabricates entire story falsely claiming Trump won because of Russian hacks 8K US Court of Appeals: States and counties can ban GMO crops despite federal laws 6K The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good 6K Trump allowed Black homeless woman to live in Trump Tower for 8 years, rent free 4K In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler arrested and executed ‘fake news’ journalists who rightfully claimed that Jews were being exterminated 3K Facebook rolls out plans to push GMOs by labeling anti-GMO stories ‘fake’ news 3K Food companies hiding harmful high fructose corn syrup under new name 3K Standing Rock victory in North Dakota as US Army Corps of Engineers revokes pipeline permits 3K TREASON: Left-wing media attempting a “soft coup” in America by hyperventilating over self-contrived Russian conspiracy fabrication 3K Russian hack narrative revealed to be elaborate media hoax… email leaks actually came from Bernie Sanders insider 3K Facebook to become left-wing propaganda echo chamber with Orwellian plan to label independent journalism “fake” 3K Scam: No trace of Aloe Vera found in products at Walmart, CVS 2K Will President Trump dismantle dangerous vaccine mandates that harm children across America? 2K Medical scientists stunned as “magic mushroom” treatment found to heal mental illness… yet it remains illegal 2K Protesters at Dakota Pipeline have noticed unidentified crop dusters spraying chemicals over them late at night 2K Top doctors reveal that vaccines can trigger autoimmunity, turning our immune systems against us    Health News This Spice Stops Heart Attacks, Fights Cancer, and Restores Gut Bacteria ( - 1 Hour Ago Yeast Infection: Description, Causes and Treatment ( - 1 Hour Ago 10 Amazing Benefits of Eating Celery Every Evening ( - 1 Hour Ago Want the Best Organic Produce? Its at the Farmer's Market ( Environmental Toxicity ( 11 Herbs for Perimenopause and Menopause Symptom Relief ( The independent news source for free-thinking people Search for more articles like this one at - the search engine for news and information.  Talk Radio without corporate collusion Now streaming: 28 amazing hosts like the Health Ranger, Robert Scott Bell and more  Find the up-to-date news you're looking for at Fetch.News Find articles on today's most searched keywords & topics.  Uncensored Health Videos Visit for uncensored videos for a healthier and happier life  Vaccine News Real-time Independent Media news on Vaccines  GMO News Real-time Independent Media news on GMOs    Read Archived NaturalNews Stories Natural News Toolbar Privacy Policy Terms of Use About Us Contact Us/Feedback Write for Natural News Media Information Advertise Information Follow Us Email Newsletter Facebook Twitter Google Pinterest YouTube Diaspora Seen RSS    This site is part of the Natural News Network © 2016 All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Truth Publishing International, LTD. is not responsible for content written by contributing authors. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Truth Publishing assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms and those published here. All trademarks, registered trademarks and servicemarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners.