Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Scientist Claim Humans Are Not From Earth But Evolved On Other Planets

Galactic Connection Scientist Claims Humans Are Not From Earth But Evolved On Another Planet Posted by Madeline | Mar 7, 2017 | 2017, Biology and Animals, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Space, Astronomy, and Galactic Brotherhood | 0 | Scientist Claims Humans Are Not From Earth But Evolved On Another Planet Neon Nettle Dr. Ellis Silver has conducted an academic study into the evolution of the Homo Sapien, and arrived at a less-than-conventional theory that human beings aren’t actually from Earth, but evolved on another planet and arrived here between 60k and 200k years ago. Silver claims his research shows that man couldn’t have evolved on Earth as we are too unsuited to our environment, unlike other species that inhabit our planet. Silver isn’t the first to suggest this theory, and recently the CIA declassified documents that suggested humans actually evolved from extraterrestrials that left Mars when it lost its atmosphere. Disclose TV reports: Dr. Silver’s theory is based on the fact that human beings display some unusual problems not found among members of the animal kingdom which suggest that the human body did not evolve to deal with the conditions on the planet Earth. “Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment, ” he says. He points of that human beings suffer from bad backs, which he suggests is because humans evolved in a world with a lower gravitational pull. More compellingly, human beings are sensitive to the sunlight on this world and develop sunburn if they are exposed to it for too long. Humans also have a natural dislike for naturally occurring food, develop a larger number of chronic illnesses than any other animal on the planet and have more difficulty and experience more pain when giving birth than any other creature. Speculating as to how human beings ended up on this planet after evolving somewhere else in the universe, Dr. Silver suggests that the species did not travel voluntarily. He has suggested that humans were banished from another planet and confined to the Earth which was utilised as a prison planet. He said that it is unlikely that highly advanced alien race would tolerate the naturally violent dispositions of human beings. Perhaps it is the case that human beings will be returned to their natural environment after their propensities for war and destruction have ceased and more powerful aliens have deemed the species safe once more. Equally, it could be true that human beings have been found to be irredeemably violent and problematic and that the species is to be excluded from the advanced alien world on a permanent basis. tags: Aliens | Humanoid Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/features/773-scientist-claims-humans-are-not-from-earth-but-evolved-on-another-planet © Neon Nettle Share: Rate: 12345 PreviousTrumpcare: What Happens Next, In One Chart NextWhat You Need To Know About The Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release [VIDEO] Help Galactic Connection Thrive Are You A Guardian? Click Here For More Information Unplug From The Matrix! Remove Your Controlling Implants! 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