Saturday, March 18, 2017


Galactic Connection A Critical Look at 3 Popular Alternative Cancer Cures: Oxygen, High pH and Baking Soda/Molasses Posted by stevew | Mar 18, 2017 | 2017, Daily Blog, Health and Well-Being | 0 | A Critical Look at 3 Popular Alternative Cancer Cures: Oxygen, High pH and Baking Soda/Molasses TBYIL A Critical Look at 3 Popular Alternative Cancer Cures: Oxygen, High pH and Baking Soda/Molasses by Tony Isaacs (The Best Years in Life) The internet abounds with advice about three popular alternate cancer cures: Oxygen, highly alkaline pH and the combination of baking soda and molasses (or in some instances, maple syrup). Though all three may help combat cancer, each is based on misconceptions. The Oxygen Cancer Cure The oxygen cancer cure maintains that cancer cannot survive in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen. That belief dates back to the work of Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg in the 1920s. Though one frequently finds claims that “Warburg proved that cancer cannot survive in the presence of oxygen”, that is not what Warburg actually found. Warburg found that cancer thrived in a low oxygen environment and THAT led him to postulate that cancer might die off if exposed to higher levels of oxygen. However, as natural health authority Dr. Andrew Weil explains, “Dr. Warburg was wrong. Oxygen doesn’t slow cancer growth – tumors grow rapidly in tissues well supplied with oxygenated blood.” Cancer cells do not form as a direct result of low oxygen. Cancer cells are formed as part of a body defense mechanism which results from prolonged cellular stress. As part of the process, cancer cells revert to a primitive form of respiration which uses glucose instead of oxygen. Even though increased oxygen may not kill cancer cells, low oxygen levels can help create an unhealthy cellular terrain which is more susceptible to cancer. Healthy oxygenated blood is vital for a healthy body and immune system which can better battle cancer. The Alkaline Cure Another popular alternative cancer cure maintains that cancer can be cured if a person can elevate their body pH to 8.0 or above for four days. The “alkaline cancer cure” also maintains that cancer will not grow if the body’s pH is maintained between 7.0 and 7.5. In fact, cancer frequently gains a foothold and grows when pH is in or near the normal blood pH levels of 7.35 to 7.45. Typically, body pH drops to around 7.0 in the early stages of cancer and the pH continues to decline as the cancer progresses. Cancer cells convert glucose to lactic acid, which lowers pH. The more cancer cells, the more lactic acid and the lower the pH. Without a doubt, a healthy alkaline diet can help defeat cancer since it provides important cancer-fighting and immune-boosting compounds as well as helps the body eliminate toxins. As the alkaline diet helps kill off cancer cells, the pH is naturally raised due to the alkalinity of the diet as well as lower production of lactic acid by fewer cancer cells. The Baking Soda and Molasses Cure Though there are many reports of people beating cancer with a combination of baking soda and molasses (or maple syrup), there is a general misconception of why such a combination might work. Most often we hear that the combo works because sugar-loving cancer cells are tricked into taking in the baking soda when they gobble up the molasses or maple syrup. Baking soda can indeed help defeat some cancer and, based on the large number of anecdotal success stories, it appears that the addition of molasses or maple syrup does increase the success rate in many instances. It may be that the addition of the sugary substances somehow potentiate cancer cells to make them more susceptible to taking in baking soda and perhaps other items normally kept out of cancer cells. It may also be because molasses and maple syrup contain important minerals and other compounds which help fight cancers. However, there is no way that a combination of baking soda and molasses or maple syrup makes its way intact to the cancer cell. Even if the digestive system somehow failed to break the combination down, such a combination would be far too large to enter the bloodstream. It is probably worth noting that the man most often cited as an example of beating cancer with a baking soda and molasses combo also incorporated a healthy diet and breathing exercises as part of his protocol. It is also worth noting that it can be dangerous trying to elevate pH levels too much and trying to maintain elevated pH for long periods of time. See also: Oxygen and Cancer – What Otto Warburg Actually Discovered A Rational Theory of Cancer A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol Beating Cancer on a Shoestring Budget A Good Cancer-Fighting Foundation Will Ensure Victory Over Cancer Sources for this article include: Share: Rate: 12345 PreviousHealth Freedom Victory: How a Small Supplement Company Fought the FDA NextPEDOGATE: Alex Acosta’s Nomination for Labor Secretary Must Be Rejected Help Galactic Connection Thrive Are You A Guardian? Click Here For More Information Unplug From The Matrix! Remove Your Controlling Implants! 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