Sunday, March 19, 2017

Mysterious 'Man Made' Oval Structure Descovered In Antarctica.

Galactic Connection Mysterious ‘Man Made’ Oval Structure Discovered In Antarctica Posted by Madeline | Mar 19, 2017 | 2017, Archaeology, Conspiracy, Cabal, and Government, Daily Blog, Geology and Weather | 0 | Mysterious ‘Man Made’ Oval Structure Discovered In Antarctica Neon Nettle A mysterious oval structure has been discovered in one of the dryest and remote parts of the planet. The 400-meter wide formation was discovered using Google Earth satellites in the frozen deserts of Eastern Antarctica, and experts are now claiming that it’s clearly man-made rather than a natural phenomenon. Some historians are speculating as to whether it could be signs of an ancient civilization that once inhabited the cast icy continent in the distant past. There has been a lot of buzz around Antarctica recently with high-ranking officials such as John Kerry, with whistleblowers revealing that a huge discovery has been made there. Ancient Code reports: Curiously, there are numerous ancient maps that depict parts of Antarctica free of ice. One of the most controversial maps was without a doubt composed in 1513, by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis who drew a map that would create a global debate over 500 years after him. The map depicts Antarctica which was discovered between 1818-1820. But how is this possible? It has become a popular belief that ancient civilizations across the globe were in fact much more advanced than what mainstream researchers are crediting them for. Numerous maps discovered in the past are clear indications that the story told today by scholars is incomplete, and there are numerous missing links in our history. These ‘missing links’ are being put together by these incredible ancient maps that prove mankind inhabited our planet much longer than what mainstream scholars believe. Perhaps these ancient maps, in combination with modern satellite images of our planet are the ultimate evidence that civilization could have developed in the most inhospitable places on Earth in the distant past. According to numerous ‘indicators’, such structures have already been identified in recent years. Satellite imagery of the Antarctic continent has revealed several ‘oddly shaped formations’ that are spread across the icy continent. Natural formations? Pareidolia? What could they possibly be? While some of them can easily be explained as natural –geological— formations, there are some discoveries that -according to many authors, question everything we know about Antarctica. Whether or not these structures are manmade, and are evidence of lost ancient civilizations inhabiting Antarctica is hard to tell, and unlikely according to mainstream scholars. However, there are numerous discoveries that point otherwise and suggest we need to look at things from a different perspective. In 2012, a satellite image of Antarctica spotted a strange oval-shaped formation in one of the most remote places on the planet. Thousands of miles from modern society, the strange oval-shaped structure raised numerous questions among experts. At 400-feet across, experts analyzing the image ask whether or not this ‘structure’ could be the result of mother nature. The unusual shape of the structure suggests it may be man-made formation. Observing the image, we immediately notice how the ‘rings’ of the structure resemble a structure in ruins as if we were looking at walls that have been destroyed, collapsed ruins that have been covered by snow and ice. The image taken in 2012 clearly resembles something that may easily have been designed by someone. But designed by whom? The ‘structure’ is located in the middle of Antarctica, one of the most inhospitable places on the surface of the planet, one of the most remote and untouched places on Earth, eastern Antarctica. While the structure may be a man-made structure, experts have to consider a natural explanation, which is the most accurate one; a bizarre ice formation created heavy snowfall, low temperature, and Antarctica’s freezing katabatic wind. Experts believe that what satellites spotted over Eastern Antarctica may be oddly shaped Sastrugi –sharp irregular grooves formed on a snow surface by wind erosion. Snow/ice dunes. However, sastrugi run parallel to the direction of the wind and do not tend to create nearly perfectly shaped oval structures. Read more at: © Neon Nettle Share: Rate: 12345 PreviousUnderground Base Wars March 2017 James Gilliland, Solreta, Pete Slattery [VIDEO] Next5G Not Health-Safety-Tested BUT Still Being Rolled Out Everywhere Help Galactic Connection Thrive Are You A Guardian? Click Here For More Information Unplug From The Matrix! Remove Your Controlling Implants! 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